Welcome – from President Alycia Thomson

I am honoured, for the second time, to step into the role as President of The Insurance Institute of Norwich, succeeding our outgoing president, Sharon Theobald. Sharon has done a wonderful job over the last 12 months steering our local institute, fostering a council environment that is both productive and enjoyable.

Our institute boasts an exceptional council, and we have of opportunities for people to get involved to support their personal and professional growth. I am fortunate to have the backing of such a supportive council and to benefit from the wealth of experience within our diverse membership, many of whom are former presidents themselves.

Additionally, I am lucky to have Kris Locker as my deputy president this year and look forward to working with him over the coming months.

Looking ahead, our goals for the coming year are: we aim to increase our presence within the local community, offer enhanced networking opportunities, more in-person events, and increased engagement with our membership.

Furthermore, we have selected The Insurance Charities as our charity partner for the year. This amazing charity provides help and support to those working in the insurance industry in the UK and Ireland.

I look forward to working as President for the next year and hope to engage with as many local members as possible!


Annual General Meeting – Recap

Our AGM was held on 10 April 2024 where, the Presidential 'baton' was passed from Sharon Theobald to Alycia Thomson. Alycia Thomson was formerly the President for the 2020 and 2021 years.

The council thank Sharon for her leadership, support and efforts over the last 12 months, and look forward to having Alycia step into the Presidential role for a second time! Alycia’s plans for the council for this year are outlined in her Presidential Message located on the website.

The IIN council continues to grow and now consists of 22 elected officers and council members. The council are both committed and excited for the year ahead with our goals and priorities including increased presence within the local community and continued engagement with the regional membership, particularly through face to face events.


2024 Annual Dinner

Our 2024 Annual Dinner is scheduled for Thursday 10th October 2024 at the Assembly House, Norwich and our President Alycia Thomson is delighted to invite you to be her guest.

Champagne reception from 6:15pm with dinner at 7:00pm

Carriages at midnight.

Ticket prices:

£90 per person and £800 per table of 10.

For individuals and groups less than 10, tickets can be booked via the website.

Bookings before 1st July 2024 can benefit from the early bird ticket offer of £80 per person

Corporate sponsorship packages available

For more information, or any queries, please contact the dinner secretary, Amaia Robbins at amaia.robbins@bishopsgateinsurance.co.uk

We hope to see you there!


Recent CPD Events -

The IIN, along with collaboration with other regional institutes have delivered several well-attended webinars this quarter, including but not limited to:

  • All You Need to Know About the CII Professional Qualifications Pathway
  • Discover the impact of second hand trauma when dealing with distressing claims
  • Enabling excellent customer service
  • Transformative Time Management

REMINDER: If you attended any of the local institute webinars (virtually, or in person) make sure you download your certificate and log your all-important, structured CPD hours. 


PFS Local In Person Event

On the 21st May 2024, the Norfolk PFS hosted a lunch presentation by three fund management groups. Held at Dunston Hall, this was the regions first face to face event in 2024. 

The members in attendance heard from representatives from Artemis, Redwheel and Janus Henderson on some of their investment strategies. 

It was also useful to hear the fund groups views on the wider global markets. Thanks to everyone who was able to join us for this event!


Upcoming CPD Events

The council are always considering new professional development and networking events so make sure you keep an eye out for future events, via our website. The council are open to suggestions from our membership on CPD topics, you are welcome to email the institute with specific requests.

All news, upcoming events and webinars are shown on our website as well as our social media pages so connect with us to make sure you keep up to date regarding what’s coming up next!




Insurance Charities Awareness Week

It’s The Insurance Charities Awareness Week taking place between 24-28 June

Further details can be found the dedicated campaign page and you can follow their LinkedIn company page keep up to date



Want to find out more about the role of the institute and council members, our professional development events, or methods of communication?

Check out our FAQs on the website to find out more


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