
Welcome to our Q3 2022 newsletter.

We hope you have enjoyed many of the professional development events the IIN has had to offer over the last quarter.

We are continuing to finalise plans for our Annual Dinner taking place in November. This is the first dinner we have been able to hold since 2019, and our President, April Stowers, and council members invite you to join us for an enjoyable evening.

You can find further details of the Dinner below.


Annual Dinner 2022

It’s not too late to book your ticket for our Annual Dinner, taking place on Friday 11th November 2022 at Park Farm Hotel & Leisure Norwich Road, Hethersett, Norfolk, NR9 3DL

Dinner, comprising a four-course meal and coffee, is at seven o'clock and the dress code is evening or cocktail dress, black tie, and decorations.

Tickets are £90 per person for individuals or groups less than 10. £80 per person for tables of 10. Tickets can be booked via the website

We hope you can join us!


Recent Events

The IIN, along with collaboration with other regional institutes have delivered several well-attended webinars this quarter, including but not limited to:

- The cost of poor acoustics in building, industry, and environment

- Qualification pathway to ACII

Additionally, Norfolk Personal Finance Committee held an ‘Insurance Distribution Directive’ Day providing members with valuable CPD hours. Check out the write up from this event below.

REMINDER: If you attended any of the local institute webinars (virtually, or in person) make sure you download your certificate and log your all-important, structured CPD hours. 


Upcoming Events

Keep an eye out for the following events and educational webinars, which are upcoming for the next quarter:

- Celebrating our Differences

- Optimum Productivity and Performance at Work

- SURE: a new technique to make sure clients have understood your advice

- Escape or Water

You can register to these upcoming events via our website.

Members are also welcome to email the institute with specific requests.


Norfolk Personal Finance Society – Insurance Distribution Directive Day

On Wednesday 7th September, the Norfolk Personal Finance Society (PFS) committee organised a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) day for members at the Mills & Reeve offices in Norwich. The day was well attended with 37 members present, and provided around four hours of CPD

The focus of the day was the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) and helping to provide members with some valuable CPD. The IDD requires everyone recommending insurance to complete at least 15 CPD hours per year.

The day consisted of five presentations.

First up were Matthew Wilson and Claire Loveday from our hosts. The session was topical and provided a good overview of the Consumer Duty as well as looking at some cases that have been to the Ombudsman. Following this we had Tim Wyatt from LV who covered Income Protection and Critical Illness and from his own experience how important this cover can be.

After a short break we welcomed Julia Peake from Canada Life, who presented on the highly relevant subject of Investment Bond taxation. This a complex area and highlighted the value of taking advice when considering the partial or full encashment of these investments.

After an enjoyable lunch and some networking, it was the turn of Alan Richardson of Lifesearch to present. Alan provided a very enthusiastic presentation on a variety of Business Protection solutions, aimed at business owners or advisers who have business owners as clients.

Finally, Philip Morter of WPA gave an insight into Health Insurance and the benefits of these for individuals and clients alike. He also ran through a case study using a local firm as an example.

Thanks go to Mills & Reeve for providing the venue and the excellent refreshments and to Matthew and Claire who were very supportive in organising the day. Thanks also to the speakers who gave up their time and for the presentations. 


Know your Council

One of our newer council members, Terri-Anne Bailey, who joined the council earlier in the year completed the August edition of our ‘Know our Council’.

Click here to find out more about Terri.

Keep an eye out for our next release, from Sophie Briggs


All news, upcoming events, and webinars are shown on our website as well as our social media pages:



Connect with us to make sure you keep up to date regarding what’s coming up next!



Want to find out more about the role of the institute and council members, our professional development events, or methods of communication?

Check out our FAQs on the website to find out more

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