Welcome – from President Sharon Theobald

Welcome to the Q12024 edition of our newsletter, and what a busy start to the year it has been!

We continue to provide our members with a diverse range of workshops, webinars and training. As well as putting on some in-person events facilitating networking, we remain focused on ensuring that our events are accessible to all, and we continue to provide a varied programme of CPD sessions. Our most recent event was our ‘Celebrating Success’ Event, and you can find a full write up, along with some photos below.

As we approach an end to another Presidential year, with our AGM scheduled for 10th April 2024, we would like to thank our outgoing President, Sharon Theobald for her leadership, support and efforts over the last 12 months.


Recent CPD Events

The IIN, along with collaboration with other regional institutes have delivered several well-attended webinars this quarter, including but not limited to:

  • Enabling excellent customer service
  • Insurance History: Past and Present
  • High Net Worth Individuals webinar
  • Various remote study courses in respect of PFS modules AF4, AF5, AF7 and J10.

REMINDER: If you attended any of the local institute webinars (virtually, or in person) make sure you download your certificate and log your all-important, structured CPD hours


Upcoming CPD Events

The council are brainstorming various ideas for upcoming CPD related events so make sure you keep an eye out for future events, via our website.

You can register to upcoming events via our website, and reminder of upcoming events are also circulated on our social media pages:



The council are open to suggestions from our membership on CPD topics, you are welcome to email the institute with specific requests.


Celebrating Success 2024 Event

The annual Celebrating Success Event was introduced last year, intending to recognise the success of members in the region who have achieved a CII or PFS qualification in the last year.

On Thursday 7th March 2024 the Insurance Institute of Norwich hosted its 2nd Celebrating Success Event at St Andrews Brewhouse, and with complimentary food and drink on offer, it was a fantastic night full of networking and celebration.

Members from various local business including but not limited to Marsh, Aviva, Alan Boswell, PIB and Crawfords attended with various qualification achievement being celebrated ranging from the Certificate through to the Advanced Diploma qualifications. The turnout was excellent, with over 40 people in attendance. We hope everyone who joined us had a thoroughly enjoyable evening and we look forward to seeing you at future events.

We also thank St Andrews Brewhouse for their excellent hospitality.



Are you studying for qualification at present? Do you hope to have passed a CII or PFS qualification during 2024?

If so, make sure the Insurance Institute of Norwich is assigned as the local institute on your MyCII so we have a record of your local membership for future events. We plan to host the next Celebrating Success event celebrating 2024 achievers in Q12025, and would love to invite and connect with as many newly qualified members as possible!

Additionally, we recommend you make sure the ‘manage your preferences’ section under MyCII is updated with your agreement to receive email communications from the local institute.


Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Insurance Institute of Norwich AGM will be held on Wednesday 10th April 2024 at 17.30.

The venue for the AGM is Marsh, Willow House, Peachman Way, Broadland Business Park, Norwich, NR7 0WF.

You are cordially welcomed and encouraged to attend, in order to hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members for the forthcoming year.

If you feel you could make a positive contribution to your institute, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved.

If you would like to attend please give advance notice to the Institute Secretary at norwichinsuranceinstitute@gmail.com.
If you would like to park on site you will need to share details of your vehicle registration to the above email address.

Alternatively you can join proceedings via Teams, please advise the Secretary in advance so dial in details can be shared.

Get to Know your IIN Council Members

With the Annual General Meeting fast approaching, it’s that time again where council members will be formally appointed to their roles for the forthcoming period.

Would you like to get to you know your council members further? We are a very friendly bunch, and we love to connect with the membership across the Norfolk and Norwich region. You will often find various representation of council members at face to face social and networking events so please feel free to come say hello at our next event!

Our council members, for their respective roles, may also be contacted via email. You can find contact details on our website


Want to find out more about the role of the institute and council members, our professional development events, or methods of communication?

Check out our FAQs on the website to find out more

All news, upcoming events and webinars are shown on our website as well as our social media pages:



Connect with us to make sure you keep up to date regarding what’s coming up next!


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