Hello Members,

The IIN AGM is fast approaching, and this will be my last newsletter message as your President before I step down and hand the reigns over to my Deputy April Stowers. April has been a fantastic support to me during my presidency, as have all the IIN council, and I am very much looking forward supporting the council as Vice President for next 12 months.

It’s not been an ordinary two years as a local institute, but it feels like we are getting back into the swing of things and have lots of exciting plans for the year ahead, including the return of some face to face networking events. This will include our annual dinner which will take place later this year, so look out for a save the date shortly!

I have been lucky enough to represent the Norwich Institute at two local institute dinners in the last month, Bedford and Milton Keynes at the beginning of March and The Luton and Hertfordshire Dinner a few weeks ago. Both reminded me how much I miss being able to network and socialise in the industry. I hope you all feel the same and that we might see you at an event soon



Recent Events

With many of us focusing on our 2022 goals, we were pleased to offer a number of goal-orientated webinars in the first quarter, including sessions on writing development plans and assignments.

Additionally, we received a fantastic turnout to a number of our technical webinars including but not limited to:

  • Navigating the hard cyber market
  • The purpose of duty and a major new approach to professional negligence claims from the Supreme Court
  • Property Insurance, premium increase

If you attended any of the local institute webinars make sure you download your certificate and log your all-important, structured CPD hours. 


Upcoming Events

Keep an eye out for the following events and educational webinars, which are upcoming for the second quarter:

  • Creating and Claiming Value in negotiation
  • Young Professionals: How to Demonstrate and Develop Credibility
  • Managing Anxiety through Change

Members are also welcome to email the institute with specific requests.


Annual General Meeting 2022

The Annual General Meeting of The Insurance Institute of Norwich will be held on Wednesday 6 April, 2022 at 5:30pm. The venue is the Marble Hall at Aviva, Surrey House, 8 Surrey Street, Norwich, NR1 3NX. Unfortunately, there is no car parking available on site for attendees.

You are cordially welcomed and encouraged to attend; if you would like to do that, please give advance notice to the Institute Secretary (for security purposes) at norwichinsuranceinstitute@gmail.com.

Alternatively, you can join the proceedings by Zoom.

Please click the link for further details.


Calling All New Members

Are you looking for a new challenge for 2022?

Do you want to support your local CII institute’s programme and resources?

Are you wishing to broaden your network or progress your career, outside the scope of your work role?

Are you wanting to volunteer in a professional capacity, and give back to the insurance industry?

If any of the above apply to you, why not consider joining the Insurance Institute of Norwich council, and there is no better time than ahead of our AGM in April!

Your very active Council is keen to maintain its succession objectives and, to that end, if you would like to join the team, please let the Secretary or any of the Council members know (details of members are on the website).

Taking part in the activities of your local Institute is a career enhancing activity and affords good opportunities to meet fellow local professionals in your own and different fields of the world of insurance.



Want to find out more about the role of the institute and council members, our professional development events or methods of communications. Check out our FAQs on the website to find out more.

All news, upcoming events and webinars are shown on our website as well as our social media pages.



Connect with us to make sure you keep up to date regarding what’s coming up next!

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