Wed 22 Apr. 2020
2020 AGM & Council Update

Zoom AGM
Whilst it was disappointing not to be able to meet in person, 14 attendees logged in to Zoom to attend the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Insurance Institute of Aberdeen at 11:30 on Tuesday 21 April. A sign of the times and another example of how Institutes, like businesses and individuals, are having to adapt to to meet the challenges brought about by Coronavirus.
Officers Reports provided by the Deputy President, Treasurer, Education Secretary, and the Dinner Secretary were circulated in advance of the meeting. Each of the reports were summarised and any questions answered during the call.
Diana Zolinska was not in attendance but had provided an email noting her decision not to stand for a second year as President. Diana offered her thanks to the council for their support during her three years Deputy President and then President. The Council in turn expressed their thanks to Diana which will be done more formally when the Past Presidents badge can be presented.
Elections of Council
Lloyd Davies has been elected as the new President of the Insurance Institute of Aberdeen with Linsey Scott to serve as Deputy President. Full details of the Office Bearers and Council Members can be found in the contacts section of our website.
The Year Ahead
The first meeting of the 2020/21 Council year is scheduled for 02 June although work will continue in the meantime as we plan how to deliver CPD and hopefully social events throughout the year. Whilst new faces have been welcomed on to Council and some familiar faces have returned more members are always welcome.
If you would like to get involved, have something to ask, or would like to suggest how we could better support our members please do not hesitate to get in touch.