Annual General Meeting 2024

Be At One
Wednesday, 22 May 2024
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm (UK time)

Your local institute council invites you to attend our 2024 Annual General Meeting in order to hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council officers.

We would welcome attendees from both the CII and PFS, as we wish our council to represent all interests and to shape activities and learning events that reflect your wishes and our broad membership across the two organisations.

If you feel you could make a positive contribution, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved. We are looking for new council members to supplement the team and experience in active roles on council has enhanced many a CV and career.


Ordinary Business

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the AGM held in 2023
  3. Annual Report of Council
  4. Accounts for the year to 31 December 2023
  5. Appointment of an Examiner of Accounts
  6. Elections of Council
    • President - [ADD NAME]
    • Deputy President - [ADD NAME]
    • Vice-Presidents - [ADD NAMES, IF APPLICABLE]
    • Officers and Members to be elected en bloc

Special Business

  1. Transfer of office
  2. Date of next year's AGM
  • Be At One Cocktail Bar
  • The Hub, 25 Mortimer Square
  • Milton Keynes
  • MK9 2FB
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