Investment Planning

Blackbrook Barns
Thursday, 11 July 2024
9:00 am – 5:00 pm (UK time)

Please arrive from 9.00 am for 9.30 am start.

Refreshments are served on arrival and throughout the day. Lunch is included. There is free parking on site.

We will also be hosting a networking event with drinks following the session for all advisers to share their views on the day and make new acquaintances.

Evelyn Partners

Synopsis of the session

2021’s “No Time to Die” was (spoiler alert) an unfortunate year for James Bond and for wider bond markets with the Bank of England starting the rate hiking cycle that pushed bond markets firmly into the red in 2022. With this painful reset in the Quantum of Yield, have markets now shaken off the spectre of higher rates and what opportunities does this now open to us.

Key learning outcomes

The objective of the session is to share our thoughts on the bond market and to raise awareness of the opportunities that exist in order to offer you more confidence when thinking about bonds within a portfolio. This session will also cover our Cash and Cautious Bond Portfolio service an ideal answer for investors looking for an alternative to cash.

Quilter Cheviot

Learning Objectives for 5 Key Questions to ask your MPS Provider.

  • How active is the management of your clients’ portfolios?

Access to active management is a key attraction of an MPS. It offers several potential advantages in terms of flexibility, returns and risk management.

  • How dynamic and responsive is the investment process?

We believe that service growth – whether adding new platforms, new strategies, strategic partners or bespoke portfolios – should not come at the cost of investment dynamism.

  • How consistent are your MPS portfolios across different custody arrangements?

The costs incurred by your clients and the performance they receive should be the same across all platforms.

  • Is your MPS designed for platforms?

An MPS should be a solution not a problem. Adjusting an MPS constructed using only third-party funds can impact time in the market for your clients.

  • How can your clients truly understand their investment exposures?

Client understanding of the services you are providing is key.

BNY Investments

Multi-Asset: Macro update and the importance of diversification.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand how diversification and yield potentials in both bond and equity markets could affect the 60/40 model.
  • Review opportunities for Alternatives, specifically Investment Trusts, and how they may offer an attractive risk/return profile.
  • Explore key themes and market trends affecting the current investment landscape for multi-asset.


Investment Bond Planning

  • Understanding of bonds and collectives and the impact of the Autumn Statement 2022 and the 2023 Budget
  • Explain the role that wrapped investment and unwrapped investments play in financial planning
  • Identify the planning opportunities for advisers to demonstrate added value to their clients


Giulio Rossi, a manager research analyst in our Multi Asset Team.

Learning objectives:

  • To understand the different investment styles (value/growth/quality etc) within portfolios and the drivers of performance within these styles.
  • To understand the importance of style diversification.
  • To understand the key considerations when selecting funds across all investment styles.
  • To understand performance measurement of funds across all investment styles.
  • To understand how MA portfolios are put together and to outline how asset and style allocations have changed over time.

Canada Life

Title of presentation: An introduction to behavioural biases within investment selection

Synopsis: Understanding emotional and cognitive biases, how to spot common biases and manage them alongside your fund selection and client engagement process.

Learning objectives:

By the end of this session the delegate will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between cognitive and emotional bias
  • Consider common biases and how to manage them
  • Describe how awareness of these can help with fund selection and client engagement

  • Blackbrook Barns
  • London Road
  • Lichfield
  • WS14 0PS

To view our image and video capture consent statement, please click here.

CII Accredited

This demonstrates the quality of an event and that it meets CII member CPD scheme requirements.

5 1/2 hours' CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

It is recommended that you keep any evidence of the CPD activity you have completed and upload copies to the recording tool as the CII may ask to see this if your record is selected for review. Details of the scheme can be viewed online at