Patto's story - lessons in building resilience

Thursday, 10 April 2025
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (UK time)
    • Andrew Patterson

Andrew Patterson is a former professional cricketer whose life took an unexpected turn when diagnosed with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, a condition that left him confined to a wheelchair.

Patto's tremendous resilience has seen him travel to USA to endure an operation where two-thirds of the nerves in his spine were severed, followed by gruelling and ongoing rehabilitation that has enabled him to walk short distances. His inspirational story is one of perseverance, adapting to new realities and not giving up. His experience has taught him the value of resilience. This empowering session will explore how everyone can develop this skill for themselves.

Content & Learning

  1. What is Resilience?
  2. The importance of Resilience in life and work
  3. Patto's story
  4. Patto's walk - the video
  5. The operation
  6. What can delegates learn from Patto's journey?
  7. Building Resilience through Perspective, Response and Purpose
  8. Question & Answer session - circa ten minutes


Andrew is an inspirational and motivational speaker. He is a former professional cricketer who represented his country and went on to become a successful and much-loved schoolteacher. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Sports Science, and a Master's Degree in Journalism.

His life took an unexpected turn when diagnosed with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, a condition that left him confined to a wheelchair. He travelled to the USA to undergo an operation where two-thirds of the nerves in his spine were severed, followed by a gruelling and ongoing rehabilitation which has allowed him to walk short distances. His incredible determination saw him recently complete a 5km walk.

Andrew's story is one of perseverance, adopting to new realities and of never giving up. His experience has taught him the vital importance of resilience. He passionately believes that this is a skill that everyone can gain, and his talks both inspire and enable participants to develop their own resilience. He works with schools, colleges, universities and businesses.


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CII Accredited

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1 hour's CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

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CII Member
Non CII Member
£ 15.00