Fri 3 Apr. 2015
Past President Interview: Bob Davie

What one word would you use to describe your year in office?
With so many achievements what was the highlight of the year for you?
What was achieved during my term of office must be attributed to the experienced team I was privileged to serve. The highlight for me was to be deemed worthy of such an honour and to be supported by Council throughout my presidency.
Now that your presidency is coming to an end how do you feel looking back?
I used the word fulfilling at the start of this interview as it encompasses how I feel about the overall experience, which I found rewarding and enjoyable. Reflecting on my 12 months as President, I regret not having been involved in a Local Institute much earlier in my career: Having witnessed the commitment and enthusiasm of Council Members at Bolton and elsewhere, I appreciate the contribution they make to the professional and social lives of Institute Members. It is gratifying to feel that I have played a small part in this.
What areas do you think Bolton CII has made the most progress in this year?
We have resolved to increase our already considerable emphasis on supporting our members in the area of education. Our established programme of lunchtime lectures not only assists with the maintenance of CPD points but also broadens the knowledge of those who attend or access the speakers' notes on our website after the event. During the year, we offered subsidised bespoke tuition for students looking to study towards their Diploma or Advanced Diploma qualifications in 2015. Unfortunately, the number of members who applied to take up the offer did not reflect the perceived demand and was insufficient to make the exercise financially viable. We have examined how we can make the offer more attractive and more timely and plan to repeat the offer.
Young Members have been a priority over recent years. We have sought to cater for them by such events as the Summer Ball, offer of exam support, as referred to earlier, and encouragement to volunteer to serve on Council - something of which I made mention in my speech at the Annual Dinner. Due to the activity of Council Members, I am pleased to record that six new members were elected to Council at our recent AGM, resulting in a significant reduction in the average age of Council Members. This augurs well for the future of Council and the membership at large.
Given the progress you’ve made what do you think Bolton CII needs to do to build on your successes?
I am pleased that your question includes the word “build” rather than “change”: The Insurance Institute of Bolton has, obviously, been doing something right to have survived the developments of the past 51 years. By continuing to adapt and by seeking to meet the needs of younger members, as we have done in recent years, I am confident that we will continue to succeed.
And finally, what advice would you give to your successor?
Having come to know my successor, as I have done, working along side her during her year as Deputy President, I don’t feel that she requires any advice from me. She is determined, committed and more than capable of motivating her fellow Council Members to maintain the high standards of The Insurance Institute of Bolton for the benefit of its members.