
Why Don't I Receive Communications from The Local Institute?

Mon 7 Mar. 2016

Ever wondered why you don't receive e-flyers or invitations or get to hear about our events?

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Educational Trip to Lloyds

Fri 8 Jan. 2016

We are currently organising an educational trip to Lloyds and the CII during Q1 & Q4 of 2016.

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Young Achiever of the Year award 2016

Tue 5 Jan. 2016

Full details on the Young Achiever of the Year award 2016.

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Careers Within The Insurance Industry

Mon 23 Nov. 2015

We are working to change the perception of insurance as a career and have recently had a stand at the careers evening at Bolton School which was held on the 13th October 2015, and the Bolton University Careers Day held on the 19th November 2015.

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Are you interested in getting involved?

Mon 21 Sep. 2015

The insurance institute is made up of a dedicated group of industry professionals, who voluntarily give up their spare time to offer a range of key benefits to CII and PFS members in the local area.

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An Enjoyable Evening at Our Annual Summer Ball

Mon 21 Sep. 2015

The Chartered Insurance Institute of Bolton held their Annual Summer Ball at The Arts and Conference Centre at Bolton School on 4th September 2015.

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