Wed 15 Jul. 2015
Winning 2015 IIB / BU Business Studies Group Announced

The winners have now been announced of the 2015 Insurance Institute of Bournemouth prize awarded to the first year Business Studies students at Bournemouth University for their insurance related project.
The winning group this year, Group P, went by the name of PF Insurance and devised a tailored insurance package for the livestock market. The panel of judges were impressed by the quality of the market research that had been done, the product design and the detailed pricing work as well as their advertising campaign and the company website.
The cheque for £1,000 was handed over by IIB President, Alan Boyce who is shown with the group and some of their tutors.
Well done to all of the groups for their efforts and The Insurance Institute of Bournemouth looks forward to sponsoring another project in 2016."
Winning 2015 IIB / BU Business Studies Group Announced