Workshop - Negotiation Training.

E. Coleman & Co. Ltd
Thursday, 19 May 2016
9:00 am – 5:00 pm (UK time)

On this course you will learn:

· How to get better prices when selling and when buying

· It’s not just prices, but maybe also timescales, extras, or getting more for your money.

· What to prepare

· The preamble, what to say, what to avoid saying, and what to find out

· Opening offers: how to pitch them and justify them

· How to remain assertive when negotiating

· Is it OK to lie? (Ever?)

· Bargaining techniques like the Vice, the Salami, and the Reluctant Seller

· How to use, and counter, The Flinch, Higher Authority, Knocking the Product, the Nibble, and the Quivering Pen

· Closing:- ensuring that agreements are water-tight

· How to put the theory into practice in a low-risk way

Course Content

9.30 Introduction

The effect of negotiation on profit margin

Reasons why we tend to avoid negotiating – are any of them valid?

The 5 phases of the negotiation process

The preparation phase: what to do before the meeting Walk away points – flexible or fixed?

10.30 Coffee

10.45 Planning your walk-away point

The discussion phase: listening, questioning and signals Inner strength and where it comes from

Win/win vs. win/lose - what they really mean

Opening offers - how to pitch them correctly

Daring to ask for what you want

Examples of tradeables not involving money –

time, resources, help, flexibility, information, etc

12.45 Lunch

1.30 Exercise in pairs:

• plan,

• negotiate,

• review and extract learning points

3.00 Tea

3.15 Bargaining techniques: "The Flinch", "The Vice", "Salami"

Making sure these don’t get used on YOU!

Trading by using - “If you… then we”

Size of steps

Conditional offers and unilateral conceding

Closing and clarifying agreement

“The Nibble” and how to avoid it

How to get started and how to stay in practice

Summary of learning points, and Personal Action Plans

5.00 Finish

How to book

This Workshop is being significantly subsidised by the IIB, bringing the cost down to only £40 per person including buffet lunch. There is a maximum number of 10 participants.

To register your place, please email with your name and CII pin number as soon as possible.

If you have any special requirements e.g. regarding diet, access, hearing etc., please let us know when booking your place.

Payment is due at the time of booking and the confirmation of booking will contain details of how to pay and will serve as the invoice for payment.

A certificate of attendance is available, if requested at the time of booking. These will be mailed to participants after the event.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Alan Boyce, ACII President

  • E. Coleman & Co. Ltd
  • 8 Albany Park, Cabot Lane
  • Poole
  • BH17 7AZ
View map

CII Accredited

This demonstrates the quality of an event and that it meets CII member CPD scheme requirements.

6 hours' CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

It is recommended that you keep any evidence of the CPD activity you have completed and upload copies to the recording tool as the CII may ask to see this if your record is selected for review. Details of the scheme can be viewed online at