Tue 23 Jul. 2019

CII and UWE launch post grad qualification

The University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) and Chartered Insurance Institute have launched a post graduate MSC Risk Management and Insurance qualification to be delivered from January 2020.

The course, which graduates can now sign up for via the UWE Bristol website will see representatives from major insurers and brokers delivering guest lectures and allow work shadowing for graduates who sign-up to the year-long programme.

Designed to prepare graduates for senior roles in the industry, the programme develops core skills in risk management and insurance practice, alongside a deep understanding of the contemporary business environment.

Students will also acquire skills in strategic leadership and complete an applied dissertation on a contemporary issue in insurance.

Options cover contemporary insurance business challenges such as technological innovation, climate risk and international financial crime.

The course includes opportunities to visit companies such as Lloyd's of London to see the market in action, work on consultancy projects and attend networking events.

According to UWE Bristol, as a result of interest from the profession there are now plans in place to offer a two-year-long part-time version of the post graduate qualification in the future.

​​Completion of the course will also significantly shorten the study path for the Chartered Insurance Institute's qualifications including ACII.

For more information about the course visit: courses.uwe.ac.uk/N32012/risk-management-and-insurance

Emily Westacott