An Introduction to Security Risk Insurance

Novotel Bristol City Centre
Thursday, 12 October 2017
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm (UK time)

What is security Risk Insurance? Criminal risks, Information & Cyber risks, Kidnap & Ransom risks, Political risks and Terrorism & Political Violence risks.

Organisations across the world have a rapidly evolving and increasingly complex risk environment. The geopolitical situation is in flux, generating broad uncertainty across many regions, including those previously considered stable. Whether the local political dynamic presenting bribery and corruption issues, through to the prevalence of organised crime in parts of the world and, of course, the threat of terrorism, there is increasing pressure to acknowledge and manage this risk.

This pressure comes as organisations are required to demonstrate stronger governance of all risks and to protect people, operations, shareholder value and long-term brand and reputation.

Learning Objectives

  1. To set out the security risk landscape for UK companies both at home and abroad;
  2. To explain how the insurance market has evolved over time to provide protection against this kind of risk;
  3. To explain how there are now new and innovative ways of transferring risk in this area;
  4. To impart to the audience why this kind of insurance is much more relevant than they may have anticipated;

A buffet lunch will be served from 12:00pm

  • Novotel Bristol City Centre
  • Victoria Street
  • Bristol
  • BS1 6HY
View map

CII Accredited

This demonstrates the quality of an event and that it meets CII member CPD scheme requirements.

1 hour's CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

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