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Online Event - Enhancing your Personal Brand– develop your reputation for success

  • Thu 27 Jun 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas & Associates

Everyone has a brand. It affects everything at work – from how receptive people are to your ideas to your chances of promotion. Your brand has two dimensions – your self-definition (your own sense of who you are and what value you bring] and the compilation of the perceptions (based on all kinds of data) held about you by others. Brand management involves making sure your intentions and the reality of your brand to others are aligned

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Online Event - Understanding how a director can be personally sued in tort under the Companies Act and why D&O is so essential for all directors

  • Tue 25 Jun 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

The Companies Act 2006 puts very clear and very onerous duties on directors, and this presentation explores this act, and how a D&O policy can respond to this liability. For broking staff advising on D&O, gaining a full understanding of directors personal duties under the Companies Act will enable them to more clearly identify why no director can afford to be without D&O cover.

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Online Event - Networking - a professional approach

  • Tue 18 Jun 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas & Associates

Networking has massive benefits to individuals and organisations on multiple levels, and yet many neglect it completely, go through the motions or treat it solely as an opportunity to get out of the office and blow off some steam. This session emphasises a professional and structured approach to networking; exploring overall networking strategy, how to optimise results from specific events, and pays particular attention to networking for sales. It gives delegates the tools and insight to raise their networking game and reap the rewards for themselves and their employers.

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Online Event - Behavioural Biases in the customer journey: How to identify and handle them to avoid customer harm

  • Tue 11 Jun 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

This FCA stated in the Final Guidance to the new Consumer Duty that firms need to take account of how customers “transact in the real world”. Therefore, being able to identify and handle customer´s behavioural biases, as well as our own behavioural biases and biases embedded in product design and marketing, is key to avoiding potential customer harm.

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Online Event - SURE: A new technique to ensure clients have understood your advice

  • Wed 22 May 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

We naturally ask the client if there is anything they didn´t understand and often, the client replies “No”. Or we ask if everything was clear and the client answers “Yes”. But can we rely on these answers as being an accurate reflection of whether the client truly has listened to and understood that advice? The answer is NO!! Recent FCA guidance papers on vulnerable customers and the new consumer duty have emphasised the obligation to take steps to ensure the customer has understood our advice and recommendations and anyway, it is just good practice!

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Online Event - Insurance History: Past & Present

  • Mon 20 May 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
    • Howard Benge, Museum & Heritage Professional, The Insurance Museum

Join Howard Benge from the Insurance Museum for a quick journey through the history of insurance and take a look at what an insurance museum can do today.

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Online Event - Cyber Insurance

  • Wed 15 May 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Diane Jenkins BA [Hons], ACII, Chartered Insurance Broker – technical insurance trainer, Nick Thomas & Associates

Cyber risk is a growing issue for all businesses, so brokers and insurers need to understand the risks and insurance cover available. No two cyber policies are the same so this can be a complex area for insurers, brokers, and their clients to understand the cover offered. This session reviews the cyber risk insurance solutions available in this rapidly changing class.

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Online Event - Motor Insurance - all you need to know in a nutshell

  • Thu 02 May 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

We all purchase motor insurance for ourselves and most brokers place it for their clients in some shape way or form, but how much do we really know about motor insurance. It has become so automated that many broker and insurer staff have forgotten the details of the cover, and some have never even been taught about the coverage, well this is opportunity to refresh and learn about this essential cover.

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Online Event - Generative AI Tools: how they are shaping the way advice is given and how customers are responding.

  • Wed 24 Apr 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

How generative AI is being used, and can potentially be used, by insurance and financial services companies, provides many opportunities but it also poses many risks. Customers are also increasingly using generative AI tools themselves to challenge insurance and financial services companies. In this webinar, we will explore exactly what generative AI is and isn´t, how it is being used now, how it may be used in the future, and the potential benefits and pitfalls for companies and customers.

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Annual General Meeting 2024

  • Tue 23 Apr 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Clayton Hotel

We need you! To get down to our AGM... Your local institute council invites you to attend their 2024 Annual General Meeting in order to hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members for the forthcoming year. If you feel you could make a positive contribution to your institute, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved. Book your place today.

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Online event - Artificial Intelligence: a diversity and inclusion ticking time-bomb?

  • Wed 17 Apr 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

The FCA recently published a very detailed consultation paper on diversity and inclusion. Rightly so, it is high on the regulator´s agenda. Artificial intelligence and its potential impact on diversity and inclusion in companies, as well as our relationships with customers, is a critical issue that needs much more attention than it is currently receiving. In this webinar, we will explore the issues of how AI potentially impacts issues of diversity and inclusion in both our internal and external relationships and what we need to be doing now with this ticking time-bomb!

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2024 Annual CII Dinner

  • Fri 12 Apr 7:00 pm – 11:55 pm
  • Mercure Cardiff Holland House Hotel & Spa

Gareth Griffiths, President of the Insurance Institute of Cardiff, and the Institute Council are delighted to announce details of our 2024 Annual Dinner. Our showcase event will once again take place at The Mercure Cardiff Holland House Hotel & Spa on the 12th April 2024, and we’re sure it will again prove to be the highlight of this year’s Institute calendar.

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Online Event - The Power of Mindset

  • Thu 11 Apr 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas & Associates

This empowering session draws on research in the fields of psychology, performance, and neuroscience. It looks at what really drives excellence and how our talent is not a gift we are born with, but something that is developed through opportunity, commitment, and ‘deep’ practice. It explores how our beliefs around the nature of talent can transform our psychology and therefore our success in work and in life. Illustrated by inspiring real life case studies from sport, business, the arts, and everyday life.

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Online Event - Can We Trust AI in Insurance?

  • Wed 10 Apr 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

The issues of digital trust and responsible AI are amongst the most important issues facing the insurance industry. But what do we mean by digital trust and responsible AI? How does trust manifest itself in an increasingly digital and automated world? This webinar will address these critical issues and offer suggestions on what companies and individuals need to be doing now to ensure we do all we can to win customer trust and implement AI in a responsible way.

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Online event - Human V Automated decision-Making: Have we gone too far?

  • Wed 03 Apr 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

We have reached a critical crossroads in the digitisation and automation of processes within insurance and financial services. Some say that we have already gone too far and the human element is being continuously eroded, whereas others believe we have not gone far enough and that insurance and financial services continues to lag behind other professions.

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Online Event - An Introduction to the Insurance Industry

  • Wed 27 Mar 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

This three-hour webinar (with a break in the middle) will be ideal for staff who are new or fairly new to the insurance industry, for those studying IF1 or for those who just want to get a better understanding of the main principles that underpin our industry.

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Online event - Contractors All Risks in Insurance

  • Wed 20 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Diane Jenkins BA [Hons], ACII, Chartered Insurance Broker – technical insurance trainer, Nick Thomas & Associates

This session examines Contract Works policies and what they cover, what are the main cover issues (including defect exclusions) and the information brokers need to place the cover.

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Online Event - How contract conditions can change the liability of an insured and why brokers must advise clients on this.

  • Mon 11 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

Many policyholders sign contracts without realising they are potentially exposing themselves to liabilities that are not covered by their insurances. Often these contracts are signed in order to either win business or obtain key supplies, either way they are extending their liability beyond the potential protection provided by the liability insurer.

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Online Event - Mental Health in Insurance

  • Mon 11 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Stella Round, Zing 365

In the fast-paced insurance world, mental health is gaining increased recognition as an essential factor of overall well-being. Employers are actively adopting measures to prioritise and nurture mental health. Promoting mental health wellbeing is a collaborative effort that involves both employers and employees. This shared responsibility highlights the importance of creating a workplace culture that values and supports mental health for the collective benefit of all.

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Quiz Night

  • Thu 07 Mar 5:30 pm – 10:00 pm
  • Sandringham Hotel

Following the huge success of our last event, the Insurance Institute of Cardiff invites you to enter our next Quiz Night! At a cost of £6 per person to include buffet food. Get a team (of up to 6) together and come test your general knowledge. Please book your places asap for catering purposes. Individuals and smaller groups can join together on the night. We hope to see you there!

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