Lithium-Ion Battery Fire - A Forensic Insight - Hawkins Forensic Investigation

Thursday, 20 February 2025
9:30 am – 10:15 am (UK time)

See Lithium-Ion Battery Fires: A Forensic Insight - Hawkins Forensic Investigation for full details

Presenter: Richard Heath - Engineering, Fire & Explosions Expert - Hawkins Forensic Investigation

Joining Link: Hawkins Webinar - Lithium-Ion Battery Fires: A Forensic Insight

Overview: Electrical Engineer Richard Heath will explain the science behind these incidents, the techniques used to mitigate the risks, and how modern forensic investigation techniques can shed light on the causes of battery failures. He will also include a review of the problems that everyday consumers face regarding lithium-ion batteries and discuss the challenges an investigator might encounter when conducting such investigations.

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Please note: This event is a regional collaboration between the local institutes in the area. Your booking details will be shared with the Insurance Institute of Southampton, which is acting as the host institute for this event.

CII Accredited

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3/4 hours' CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

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