Tue 29 Sep. 2015

IICG – The New Generation

The New Generation group is our young professionals arm for CII members aged 34 or under.

The aims and objectives of the group are to:

  • discuss matters which are important to young CII members in the industry today;
  • arrange a networking event and a social event for our young members each year;
  • assist the IICG with CPD and exam support ideas for our young members;
  • take part in a charitable event each year; and
  • to support our Careers Officer through careers fairs, etc...

Our group mirrors the main council with a chairperson and secretary, both of whom will also attend main IICG council meetings, plus we also have a group mentor from main IICG council.

For the 2015/16 term the main roles are:

Chairperson - Jack Western

Secretary - Gemma Roberts (IICG Assistant Sports and Social Officer)

Group Mentor - Tracey O’Neill (2015-16 IICG President).

We will be meeting regularly (dates to be confirmed) at the Pro Global Insurance Solutions, 2nd Floor, Southgate House, Southgate Street, Gloucester - with the first meeting taking place on Tuesday 29 September 2015 at 12:30pm.

If you are interesting in getting involved in shaping the future of the IICG or if you would like to chat about any young professional opportunities please contact Tracey O’Neill tracey.oneill@pro-global.com