Fri 13 Sep. 2019


The yellow ball format is hopefully now well bedded in and whilst the scoring was good, it shows the real advantage of being able to hold onto it for as long as possible. 10 points at the end is always welcome but the double point score available at each hole makes a real difference.

2 teams managed to return their ball at the end. Runners up were David Black, Malc Hopkins and Chris Hopkins with a combined score of 125. With everything on the line it was down to Sam Hudson at the 18th and he duly obliged with a 6 point return plus the 10 points to give his team an adjusted winner score of 139. Well played to Sam, Mark Brill ,Neil Aston and me.

Individual plaudits to Richard Cook for his nearest the pin shot on the downhill 11th and Dave Holder for a very long drive on the 5th.

Thanks to all members and your guests, not just on Friday but at Stinchcombe and Thornbury and of course to our Captain Andy Peyton, for his leadership and stirring after dinner speeches. Great news in that Andy will be staying to lead us in the 55th Anniversary year of IGS in 2020.

Andy and I will be sitting down in a few months time to look at ideas for 2020 and your input is always welcome so do send some suggestions. As Andy mentioned we look to evenly spread the events towards Bristol/Bath, Gloucestershire/Worcestershire and Wiltshire. We also have a potential match to explore with the Birmingham Golf Society.

I look forward to seeing you again in 2020 and being able to show you my new golf bag and clubs fully protected with advance brake system….

Simon McGill