Fri 30 Aug. 2019


Hello IICG Members

August remained an active month at IICG Towers so just to reflect and look forward.

Hopefully as many of you are getting e-flyers as possible. We are aware that some members are not. This is all down to your preference settings. Ensure you and colleagues are getting all Local Institute (LI) information by going to "My CII" section on the CII website then manage your preferences and tick all LI boxes. We are 13 away from 2000 members so a small push will get us there.

Our CPD event for August was an amazing insight into the Salisbury Novichok affair delivered by Damian Glynn who managed the Zizzi restaurant claim. Breakfast CPD seemed to go down well and we note the bacon request...

CPD really picking up in September onwards as we aim for 3 sessions each month.

October exams are imminent. If you feel you can assist by way of invigilating, please do get in touch and I will get you in contact with our Exams Secretary Steph Wilton. 7-9th October at the Holiday Inn Barnwood are the dates and location.

August saw our IICG national CII assessment for the 2018 Presidential year and we came in at 98% approval. Great work and ensures we get the maximum funding available for you.

I managed to get 101 miles running and walking miles in this month largely down to a Gloucester to Sharpness and back walk with Allen Prior, formerly the Insurance Charities and Cheltenham CII President. Thankyou Allen for the invite, thankyou Ben Stokes for keeping our spirits up and thankyou to all members for the continued sponsorship via

Last and certainly not least, we were delighted to announce our guest speaker at the 2020

Dinner will be none other than the AdventureMan Jamie McDonald. Jamie is a fantastic motivational speaker, amazing charity fund raiser and holder of some of the toughest endurance world records out there. Along with Tommy and the Fuse and Gloucester Choral Society, it will be an evening of fantastically diverse entertainment. Tickets become available in October.

Lots coming up as said on the CPD,exam and Sports and Social scene for 2019 and 2020 which can be viewed at

Thankyou again for the Local Institute supprt

Simon McGill

IIC&G President

Simon McGill