Mon 30 Sep. 2019


September seems to have come and gone in a blink of an eye so just time to look back and look ahead on all things IICG as we enter the final quarter of the calendar year

We held 3 CPD events across a variety of topics being The Human Robot, Multi Asset Funding and the 2nd in our Mental Health and WellBeing programme around EAP. All were well attended and had good feedback so thankyou for the input and involvement.

Brunsdon Insurance Brokers were the winners of our inagural Ten Pin Bowling challenge holding off a competitive team from Endsleigh in a very sweaty Barnwood Bowl. Was good to see other teams from THB,Pro and Ecclesiastical taking part in what will become an annual event.

We have had 4 businesses so far come forward all wanting to co-sponsor the 2020 Charity Dinner which is a great start. October will see wider invitations to get involved as well as the ability to book your tables as we really start to focus on the night of Friday 24th April 2020.

A quick look at Runkeeper sees only a disappointing 80 miles done in September so drastic action required. November will see a IICG Cake sale which we would like your business to take part in and members of IICG New Gen and me will walk to your offices to collect the cash raised. Full details to follow...let them eat cake! Thankyou for my new donations this month

I would like to wish members who are taking written exams in October the very best of luck. Numbers remain strong particularly our PFS colleagues and I am absolutely committed to providing both GI and PFS revision sessions in March 2020. Thankyou to our Exam Secretary Steph Wilton who puts a lot of hard work in to make the exam week happen and also to our invigilators who are helping,some for the first time.

We have continued this month to add new events for you for the rest of 2019 and 2020 which can be found at

Thankyou again for the Local Institute support

Simon McGill

IIC&G President