

Wed 24 Oct. 2018

We are honoured to announce our guest speaker at the 2019 Dinner.

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Thu 21 Jun. 2018

So 9 months organising and long day on Friday but delighted to say £700 raised from our IICG Golf Day for Pied Piper given a final total of £4200 for the Presidential year. Thanks to everyone who played, gave, donated and helped. Particular thanks to City Financial Planning for their sponsorship, Brickhampton Golf Club for hosting and gifts, Pied Piper for ongoing support and Cheltenham Races and Gloucester Rugby for their prize donations. This event is growing. Get on board this train next year everyone.

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Tue 29 May 2018

Details below from Ian Ferguson on the July date Our next meeting is our Captain’s Day on Friday 13 July at Wrag Barn Golf Club where we last played two years ago. Details of the day are: 10.00 am Coffee/Bacon rolls. 11.00 am First tee-off. 4.30 pm approx. Two-course meal followed by presentations. The format for the Individual Competition will be individual Stableford off full handicaps. The winning Member will receive the Morton Cup, which was won last year by Andy Cox. There will also be a team competition for the revived AJ McNally Trophy. Three teams will be made up on a “geographical” basis eg North/Central/South – more details will need to await the take-up which I will communicate a week or so before the date. However, to help my preparations, when replying “yes” to this email can you please also confirm which Golf Club you belong to. The trophy was won last year by the “Cheltenham” team of Rose Jump, Roger Malvern & Andy Cox. The Trophies will, as usual, be supplemented by fantastic prizes (!) for such as Longest Drive, Nearest the Pin, Runners Up. If you are interested in hiring a buggy, may I suggest you contact the Pro-Shop direct The cost is £45.00 per person which includes a contribution to prizes etc. Can you please let me have your replies as soon as possible and preferably not later than 2 July. As I will have to settle up with the Course on the day, could you please let me have the £45 in advance if possible. Online payments would be especially welcome: Barclays, 20-20-15, G&C Golfing Society A/C 53320367 (using your surname as Reference). Cheques are difficult for me to handle so, if you cannot pay online, cash on the day would be the less problematical option. Many thanks. Best regards Ian Tel: 01242 673976 Mobile: 07968 128649

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Fri 11 May 2018

The first meeting of The Insurance Golf Society is at Thornbury (see on Friday 11th May when, as well as enjoying our golf, we raise money for The Insurance Charities. The programme is:- 10.00am Coffee and bacon baps. 11.04am First tee-off 4.30pm approx. Two-course dinner plus coffee followed by our Charity Raffle and prize-giving including the “Tom Jump Cup” to the individual winning Member. For Charities Day we have team and individual competitions running simultaneously. Teams of three can either be organised among yourselves or left to the organisers to sort – team names add to the fun so please let me know in advance if you want to form a specific team! Also on this day-of-fun you can purchase “Mulligans” from Andy at £5 each (maximum 5) to be used to replace your occasional(!) bad shots (except on longest drive/nearest-the-pin). This helps to swell the amount we send to The Insurance Charities. We are hoping for good support for our first event of the season and, as always, guests are more than welcome - including ladies, who manifestly enhance the occasion. The cost for the day will be £40.00, the same as last year. Donations of prizes for both the golf and raffle would be most welcome. Please let me have your replies as soon as possible but not later than 27th April. As I will have to settle up with the Course on the day, could you please let me have the £40 in advance if possible. Online payments would be especially welcome: Barclays, 20-20-15, G&C Golfing Society A/C 53320367 (using your surname as Reference). Cheques are difficult for me to handle so if you cannot pay online, cash on the day would be the less problematical option. All responses to Mr Ian Ferguson at

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Wed 21 Mar. 2018

Our first meeting is at Thornbury (see on Friday 11th May when, as well as enjoying our golf, we raise money for The Insurance Charities. The programme is:- 10.00am Coffee and bacon baps. 11.04am First tee-off 4.30pm approx. Two-course dinner plus coffee followed by our Charity Raffle and prize-giving including the “Tom Jump Cup” to the individual winning Member. (For Charities Day we have team and individual competitions running simultaneously. Teams of three can either be organised among yourselves or left to Andy and me to select – team names add to the fun so please let me know in advance if you want to form a specific team! Also on this day-of-fun you can purchase “Mulligans” from Andy at £5 each (maximum 5) to be used to replace your occasional(!) bad shots (except on longest drive/nearest-the-pin). This helps to swell the amount we send to The Insurance Charities. We are hoping for good support for our first event of the season and, as always, guests are more than welcome - including ladies, who manifestly enhance the occasion. The cost for the day will be £40.00, the same as last year. Donations of prizes for both the golf and raffle would be most welcome. Please let me have your replies as soon as possible but not later than 27th April. As I will have to settle up with the Course on the day, could you please let me have the £40 in advance if possible. Online payments would be especially welcome: Barclays, 20-20-15, G&C Golfing Society A/C 53320367 (using your surname as Reference). Cheques are difficult for me to handle so if you cannot pay online, cash on the day would be the less problematical option. Many thanks. All enquires/entries to

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Insurance Golf Society 2018 Dates

Wed 13 Dec. 2017

The Gloucester & Cheltenham Insurance Golf Society (IGS for short) has around 35 people on their mailing list. Most of retired insurance professionals but new blood is always welcome. The 2018 programme has been confirmed as follows Friday 11th May 2018 – Thornbury (1st tee off 11.00) Friday 13 July 2018 – Wrag Barn (1st tee off 11.00) Friday 10 August 2018 – Sherdons (9 holes “Fun” evening – 1st tee off approx 5pm) Friday 14 September – Cotswold Edge (1st tee off 11.00) Each event begins with Coffee & Bacon Rolls and ends with a two course meal. The contact point is Ian Ferguson ( and if you are interested drop him an email to confirm your interest or contact me via our twitter or facebook feed or

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