Wed 31 Aug. 2016

2016 01 Forthcoming events

A printable version of all our events for our 2016-17 council year is available on our website, here is a round-up of what we have planned in the forthcoming months:


Meeting – IICG Main council, our main council are meeting at 12:30pm on the 8th at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII member and would like more details or to become involved with our council please contact us.

CPD and Networking – our young professionals group IICG The New Generation are holding their first networking event on the 22nd. Three hours CPD beginning at 4pm at Gloucester Rugby, Kingsholm, Gloucester. This event is perfect for young or inexperienced networkers who want to become more confident and effective in raising their profile and meeting new contacts. The learning objectives for attendees of the event are how to:

  • Network with a purpose
  • Get started in a room when they don’t know anybody
  • Join conversations easily & confidently
  • Have effective networking conversations
  • Demonstrate credibility using conversational stories
  • Follow up professionally
  • A basic understanding of using social media effectively for networking opportunities

CPD - Pool Re and Terrorism cover – a dynamic risk. One hour CPD, beginning with a buffet lunch at 12:15pm on the 27th at Gloucester Rugby, Kingsholm, Gloucester. Learning objectives to follow.

Social event - Greyhound racing at Swindon – We are once again running a trip to greyhound racing, details and date TBC.


Exams - 4th to the 6th written CII exam papers - for those studying, good luck with your exams! Please let us know if there is any help you would like prior to your exam and we will see what we are able to do.

Meeting - IICG The New Generation, our young professionals group are meeting at 12:30pm on the 10th at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII young professional and would like more details or to become involved with the group please contact us.

CPD – Directors & Officers. One hour CPD, beginning with a buffet lunch at 12:15pm on the 14th at Gloucester Rugby, Kingsholm, Gloucester. Learning objectives to follow.

Meeting – IICG Main council, our main council are meeting at 12:30pm on the 20th at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII member and would like more details or to become involved with our council please contact us.

Social event – Billy Elliot – The Musical at Bristol Hippodrome. Tickets for this event had to be booked and paid for by the end of June, coach travel to and from Bristol Hippodrome Theatre was included. Have a great night all those who are attending!


Meeting - IICG The New Generation, our young professionals group are meeting at 12:30pm on the 14th at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII young professional and would like more details or to become involved with the group please contact us.

CPD – Mock Trial. 3 hours CPD beginning at 2pm on the 15th at Gloucester Rugby, Kingsholm, Gloucester. Refreshments will be provided during the afternoon. Learning objectives for the event:

  • Preparation for a Trial from the incident happening through to insurers weighing up the prospects of successfully defending the matter to Trial.
  • The following considerations for a Trial:

o evidence

o changes in the legislation for work place claims

o cost implications of winning / losing at Trial

Trial information will be sent to all attendees a few days prior to the 15th. A “real” judgement is made at the end of the trial so if you ever wished you were able to watch a trial in progress, participate in feedback and questions and to learn what goes on at Trial this is your opportunity.

Meeting – IICG Main council, our main council are meeting at 12:30pm on the 24th at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII member and would like more details or to become involved with our council please contact us.

CPD - Estate Planning solutions - Business relief. One hour CPD, beginning with a buffet lunch at 12:15pm on the TBC at Gloucester Rugby, Kingsholm, Gloucester. Learning objectives to follow.

Social event – City trip – Details of this shopping / cultural visit to a UK city are TBC. This social event may include an overnight stay.


Social event – Jack & the Beanstalk Panto on the 17th at 7pm at the Cheltenham Everyman Theatre. We are once again running our very popular panto event, this year attendees will enjoy Jack’s adventures in Cloud Cuckoo Land!

Exam results – good luck to all those receiving their written exam paper exam results on the 2nd! If you are continuing to study please let us know if there is any help you would like and we will see what we are able to do.

January 2017

Meeting – IICG Main council, our main council are meeting at 12:30pm on the 12th at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII member and would like more details or to become involved with our council please contact us.

CPD – Advising vulnerable clients. One hour CPD, beginning with a buffet lunch at 12:15pm on the TBC at Gloucester Rugby, Kingsholm, Gloucester. Learning objectives to follow.


Meeting - IICG The New Generation, our young professionals group are meeting at 12:30pm on the 13th at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII young professional and would like more details or to become involved with the group please contact us.

Meeting – IICG Main council, our main council are meeting at 12:30pm on the 23rd at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII member and would like more details or to become involved with our council please contact us.

Social event – Sports event – 5 aside football or Football Golf – Details TBC. The event will be a chance for you to put a team together, its sure to be a fun event with an opportunity for some friendly rivalries!


Meeting - IICG The New Generation, our young professionals group are meeting at 12:30pm on the 13th at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII young professional and would like more details or to become involved with the group please contact us.

Meeting – IICG Main council, our main council are meeting at 12:30pm on 23rd at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. If you are a CII member and would like more details or to become involved with our council please contact us.

Annual Dinner – 31st at Manor By The Lake. We have some exciting plans for our 2017 Annual Dinner, details will become available as plans are finalised so keep checking our website for the latest Annual Dinner news…

Social event – Annual General Knowledge Quiz – Details TBC. Your annual opportunity to put your general knowledge to the test. There will be a buffet during the evening and prizes available.


Annual General Meeting – our 2017 AGM will take place at 12:30pm on the 27th at Pro Global, Southgate Street, Gloucester. All CII members are welcome to attend, please contact our Secretary Antony Greensweig if you are attending.

CPD – Future Risk. One hour CPD, beginning with a buffet at 12:15pm on the TBC at Gloucester Rugby, Kingsholm, Gloucester. Learning objectives to follow.

TBC – the following events are still in the planning stages…

CPD - Visit to Gloucester Cathedral with surveyor’s talk. Three hours CPD, beginning with a buffet lunch and a talk from a surveyor at 12:15pm on the TBC at Gloucester Cathedral followed by a tour of Gloucester Cathedral. Learning objectives to follow.

CPD - Out of Vnuk - the implications of the Vnuk decision. One hour CPD, beginning with a buffet lunch at 12:15pm on the TBC at Gloucester Rugby, Kingsholm, Gloucester. Learning objectives to follow.

CPD – Legal Update. One hour CPD, beginning with a buffet lunch at 12:15pm on the TBC at Gloucester Rugby, Kingsholm, Gloucester. Learning objectives to follow.

Social – Wine tasting event. Laithwaites or Three Choirs.