Tue 31 May 2016

2016 01 Monthly News April to May

Welcome to our first Cheltenham and Gloucester Institute newsletter.

April was a busy and exciting month for our Institute…

Our biggest event of the year our Annual Dinner took place on Friday 22nd April at The Chase Hotel.

As 2015-16 President I began the evening with my speech during which I talked about the busy year our Institute has had and also thanked those who supported me during my Presidential year.

I was joined on top table by CII Deputy President John Moore, 2015-16 Bristol Institute President Karen Brown, 2016-17 Cardiff Institute President Marie Fanning, BIBA West of England Chairperson Kathryn Cerba, my guest Richard Lawson Head of Client Engagement at Pro Global, CII Regional Membership Manager Victoria Rees-Price, Lloyd D Parry JP Institute Charity Welfare Officer, Joy Thornicroft CEO and Company Secretary of The Insurance Charities, our 2015-16 Institute Deputy President Mark Brill and our after dinner speaker comedian Ian Irving.

Two awards were presented on the night. Our Institute Achiever of the Year award was presented to Vito Faircloth of Attivo Group Cheltenham and our main council surprised our Vice President for Life Carol Smith by secretly selecting her as the 2016 recipient of the Pro Global Insurance Solutions sponsored Exceptional Service Award. Carol is my manager and somehow I managed to elude her questions about the award’s recipient to ensure it was a complete surprise on the night! Congratulations to both our award winners.

After the meal was finished and everyone had had the chance of a drink or two… the winners of the raffle prizes were announced. A big thank you to all the companies who generously donated the prizes for the draw.

Following the prize draw Joy Thornicroft and Lloyd Parry spoke to everyone on the important work carried out by The Insurance Charities. Thank you to everyone who entered the prize draw as all the money you kindly donated on the evening has been given to The Insurance Charities.

After the formalities of the evening guests were able to dance the remainder of the night away at the disco…

If you were there you may have spotted the photographer, please keep an eye out for the pictures from the evening which will be on our website and if you weren't there keep an eye out for the pictures which will show you what you missed!

In March I pledged to swim one 25 meter length for each member of our Institute. Our membership at the time was 1,795 which meant I would swim a total of 44,875 meters, if you want some context it would have been shorter (albeit more treacherous) for me to swim the English Channel!

I completed #IICGTraceysChallenge on the 25th April after 16 swim sessions and over 35 hours in the pool. If you want to read about how challenging I found my presidential challenge, my blog is in the news section of our website http://www.localinstitutes.cii.co.uk/cheltenham-gloucester/home/about-us/news/2016/traceys-challenge-my-swim-blog-2016/

Thank you so much to everyone who donated money to my challenge, all monies donated have been given to The Insurance Charities.

My employer Pro Global Insurance Solutions very generously matched the donations which took my total amount raised for The Insurance Charities to £1,320.

Our annual general knowledge quiz took place on the 14th April, congratulations to the winning team of Allen Prior and his haddocks! And a big thank you to Allen and his haddocks too for generously donating their winnings to #IICGTraceysChallenge.

The current council year began at our AGM on Thursday 28th April, congratulations to Mark Brill who has been elected as our 2016-17 Institute President, welcome to our new council members and welcome back to the council members who continue to give their time in support of our Institute.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our main council or our young professionals group IICG The New Generation please contact us.

May is a quiet month for our Institute, our young professionals group IICG The New Generation met to finalise plans for their June social event and to continue planning their networking and charity events for the 2016-17 council year. Keep a look out for details of their events.

In addition to the articles and posts available on our website I will be writing regular round ups of our events and taking a look at our forthcoming events.

Tracey O’Neill ACII

Communications Officer & Vice President