Forthcoming events
This month
Pensions on Divorce – When and How Financial Advice can Help
D-Day is upon us!! The first Monday in January is the day when matrimonial lawyers traditionally brace them themselves for a spike in new enquiries as couples who have been ‘keeping it together’ over the holiday season feel their duty is done and start to look to the future – apart. Much work has been done in recent years on the treatment of pensions within a divorce, not least by the Pensions Advisory Group (PAG), a collaborative body building on the expertise of family law experts, consulting actuaries, scheme trustees, academics and financial advisers. In July 2019 they published the first truly cross-functional study into pensions on divorce, followed by the second edition in 2024. Invaluable as this guidance is, it was perhaps unsurprisingly based on English Law. The Insurance Society of Edinburgh is offering an event which puts PAG into a Scottish perspective, helping practitioners to identify and understand the areas of commonality and the key differences under Scots Law. The session is primarily aimed at financial advisers active in the pensions market, but we will be happy to welcome anyone with a professional interest in pensions on divorce.
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