Webinar - Cyber Insurance

Tuesday, 22 February 2022
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (UK time)
    • Sally-Ann Higgins FCII, Associate Trainer, Zing 365

Cyber Insurance

Cyber Insurance is fast becoming an essential insurance cover for those who run business. This course aims to demystify some of the language used and look at the kind of events that can happen. We will take a look at the elements of cover that fall within this subject as well as some of the underwriting concerns. We will use real life examples of what can go wrong and how a cyber insurance policy can offer both protection & peace of mind.

This is an introduction course which will be suitable for anyone who wants to understand more about the
subject in order to feel confident in discussing with their clients.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the session, participants will:

  • Have a better understanding of what cyber insurance is and who might need it
  • Feel confident in discussing the elements of cover with your client
  • Understand better some of the language that is used and what it means

Sally-Ann Higgins FCII Associate Trainer - Zing 365

Sally-Ann has worked in the insurance industry for over 30 years. Starting as an underwriter who became a broker, and then moved into the learning & development area.

She runs sessions on technical insurance topics, CII examination subjects, leadership & management, and a variety of skills sessions.

In additional to this she is an Insights Discovery practitioner and can incorporate this into her delivery if required.

A huge advocate of lifelong learning she likes to "practice what I preach" and is currently working on her level 7 Coaching qualification through the Chartered Institute of Management.

To view our image and video capture consent statement, please click here.

CII Accredited

This demonstrates the quality of an event and that it meets CII member CPD scheme requirements.

1 hour's CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

It is recommended that you keep any evidence of the CPD activity you have completed and upload copies to the recording tool as the CII may ask to see this if your record is selected for review. Details of the scheme can be viewed online at www.cii.co.uk/cpd.