Mon 12 Apr. 2021

Graham Brown awarded the position of Honorary Life Vice President

Claire Lashbrook institute president says “Graham is a constant source of support and advice and there is nothing he doesn’t know about running the local institute”

Graham has been a member of the institute council since 1999 and has previously held the role of President but most recently the role of Treasurer

Nigel Hook past Secretary advises “Graham has been a long serving, competent and tireless treasurer. I appreciated his sensible approach to spending and keeping the books straight and would like to offer my personal congratulations”

Graham responded "I wish to thank you and the Exeter Insurance Council for the title/award of Hon Life Vice President.

It came as a complete surprise and I hope I expressed my gratitude appropriately at the time (not easy when it was via Zoom).

It has been an honour and privilege to work with so many dedicated and talented people who are prepared to put back something in to this profession of ours".

Many thanks and well done Graham!