Thu 15 Nov. 2018

Halifax Institute Quiz Night 2018

Nine teams took part in this year's Quiz Night with the Whoop Hall team from Axa winning in a very close contest.

At the half way stage Whoop Hall were tying in first place with 2016 winners Brighter by Name, Not by Nature & We're Going to Rely on Phil.

After the 4th round the Brighter team had edged into the lead closely followed by We're going to Rely on Phil, with The Cross Bay Navigators now in 3rd place. At this point the Axa team had dropped back to joint 4th with the Simple Minds from Jelf.

The Brighter team stretched their lead in the 5th round but a magnificent 20 out of 20 in the Anagram round for Whoop Hall made them the overall winners. Brighter by Name, Not by Nature finished 1 point behind in second place with Simple Minds in 3rd place.

A raffle raised £62 for the Insurance Charities.

  • The winning Whoop Hall team from Axa collect their trophy & prizes from quizmaster Chris Kirkbride. The team were Deputy President Anita Fenna together with Steve Fenna, Katherine Thompson & Kim Atkinson.
  • Runners up - Brighter by Name, Not by Nature - Bradley Parry, Ross McFadzean, John Jackson & Ian Hill with Deputy President Anita Fenna.
  • Third placed, Simple Minds - Kimberley Lewis, James Gill, Jenny Brocklebank & Sharon Queripel collect their prizes from Deputy President Anita Fenna.