Fri 3 Sep. 2021

CPD Accreditation

Accreditation Summary

The CII Regional Development Team have assessed our CPD program and provided the following feedback.

Thank you for providing the material for your 2021 CII accreditation review, as part of your annual returns.

I am pleased to confirm that the Insurance Institute of Bradford’s events programme for local institute members continues to meet CII CPD accreditation standards. The CPD accreditation award permits the Insurance Institute of Bradford to promote its events as CII CPD accredited.

The CII CPD marque should only be used for events which are insurance-related where the learning content contributes to meeting CII members’ professional development needs.

Areas of good practice:
• Presentations had a consistent format.
• Speakers have relevant credentials.
• Learning objectives stated at the beginning and end of presentations.
• Learning objectives stated on marketing materials (incl. website).
• At least 3 learning objects for each event.

CPD Accreditation terms & conditions:

To maintain the CPD accreditation award:

• You must maintain a record of all events promoted as CII accredited. We may request records at the time of the annual review or any other time.
• CII reserves the right to conduct an observation of any accredited event for quality assurance purposes. We will provide you with advance notice of our intention to carry out an observation.
• Your renewal documentation – evidence from two recent CPD events, i.e. presentation slides and delegate feedback summary – must be submitted by May 31st each year as part of your local institute annual returns.

If you have any queries in relation to CII CPD accreditation, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Membership Manager.

Alex Thomas