
Annual Dinner 2012

Fri 23 Mar. 2012

The Cedar Court was once again the venue for our Annual Dinner. The Dinner Committee organised a brilliant Yorkshire themed evening that was enjoyed by all who attended.

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Ten Pin Bowling 2012

Tue 21 Feb. 2012

The Lloyds Banking Group (1) team were the eventual winners at the Halifax Insurance Institute 2012, Ten Pin Bowling competition.

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Charity Pig Race

Thu 22 Sep. 2011

Our first pig racing event was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who attended, we raised £417 for the Presidents chosen charity - Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

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Golf Day 2011

Fri 17 Jun. 2011

Nine teams entered the inaugural Halifax Institute Golf Tournament with a team from RSA coming out as victors on the day.

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Crown Green Bowling 2011

Wed 1 Jun. 2011

Teams from the Halifax Insurance Institute council took part in a Crown Green Bowling competition hosted by Bradford Insurance Institute.

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Annual Dinner 2011

Fri 8 Apr. 2011

The annual black tie event was again held at Cedar Court Hotel, Ainley Top.

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