Yoga and Meditation Exercise Session

Friday, 20 November 2020
12:30 pm – 1:15 pm (UK time)
    • Claire Roo, Yoga Roo

About The Session

Yoga is an ancient discipline that improves physical and mental wellbeing. A practice of exercise, breath control, relaxation, positive thinking and meditation aims to develop harmony in the body, mind and environment.

This session is offered by the Insurance Institute of Bradford for its members as a lunchtime refreshment at the end of a busy week. It consists of a 30 minute gentle beginners yoga practice and a 15 minute mindful meditation and will be delivered via Zoom.

The Yoga: The focus of this practice will be to alleviate common aches, pains and stiffness associated with being in a seated position at a work desk and also to increase energy, reduce fatigue, improve concentration and focus. You do not need any special equipment, just access to a chair and the floor. If you have a yoga mat please feel free to use this otherwise a carpeted area or an area with a rug will be fine. Please ensure you have enough room free from hazards and wear comfortable clothing. This session is suitable for all levels of fitness.

The Mountain Meditation: This is a guided meditation which will encourage you to seek stability and peace in the face of unpredictable change. Its benefits include stress reduction, adaptability, problem-solving and empathy. For this you will be invited to either sit on a chair or if it is accessible for you, the floor, in a comfortable seated position

Instructor Biography

Claire is a fully qualified yoga instructor who has been practicing yoga for 20 years. She teaches weekly yoga classes in the Bradford area. She has also delivered classes for children and vulnerable persons extolling the benefits of yoga and mindfulness.

For the safety of the participants, Yoga Roo has requested that everybody who wants to attend this session will need to agree to the health questionnaire which will be sent upon booking. All information contained therein will be treated as private and confidential.


Once registered, joining details and the health questionnaire will be sent with your booking confirmation. If you are subsequently unable to participate, please cancel as soon as possible to allow another member to take part.


The Insurance Institute of Bradford values and respects diversity and strives in all of our activities to take account of and respect the interests of all people it serves. There is an expectation that all speakers / presenters and attendees will act in this way too. Please see our Equality Policy on our website.