Insurance Distribution Directive

Thursday, 20 June 2019
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm (UK time)
    • Alan Chandler

Lunchtime Lecture

Lunch 12:30
Lecture 12:50 - 2pm

The Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) - this is a must for anyone working in insurance distribution which is almost everyone employed by an insurer, broker, loss adjuster or IFA. It does not just apply to sales staff.

If you work in General insurance or in a PFS function then you have to show compliance with these new requirements, yet many remain non-compliant with the requirements of this industry changing directive. There is an incorrect myth doing the rounds that this directive only applies to sales staff, that is incorrect it applies to EVERYONE.

The IDD is having a great impact on all insurance staff and includes the need to have compulsory training of 15 hours a year on eight different areas for ALL insurance staff involved in insurance distribution . This has nothing to do with CII CPD it has become a legal requirement for all staff involved in insurance distribution to undertake the required training on set subjects. This is the first time ever that a minimum stipulated number of training hours has become a legal requirement in the UK general insurance market!

The IDD has also introduced staff checks that must be undertaken, detailed rules on disclosing the source of a brokers income and very strict and precise rules on what a policy summary must look like for consumer customers- there is no deviating from the way you do this summary. Rules relating to how you can create insurance products have also changed and those involved in new product creation will have to demonstrate their expertise.

This will be suitable for anyone on the general insurance side involved in insurance distribution, so brokers, underwriters, claims staff and loss adjusters. It is also relevant to IFA's , everyone needs to be understanding these key changes.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the lecture attendees will know:

  • The background and why IDD is being implemented

  • Who it applies to
  • What the changes are
  • What the impact is on insurance firms and the impact on customers
  • What firms should be doing to comply with these changes

Speaker Biography:

Alan Chandler, Chartered Insurer, is widely regarded as one of the UK's leading insurance trainers and presenters. He is highly respected and regularly invited back to insurance institutes across the whole of the UK.

Alan has undertaken operational management roles for three major global companies. NatWest Insurance Services, RBS Insurance Group and Allianz Insurance and has run underwriting, broking and claims functions.

12 years ago he set up his own training company something that he had always longed to do due to his passion for training and professionalism.

He has also trained over 2,000 people to become ACII qualified, including six of the individuals who have achieved the best ACII completion in the whole of the United Kingdom.

Many of the people he has trained have won national prizes from subjects as diverse as Insurance Law (MO5), Liability (M96), Commercial Property and BI (M93), Personal Lines Insurance (M86), Business and Finance (M92), Underwriting Practice (M80), Advanced Underwriting (960), Claims Practice (P85),Advanced Claims (820), Marketing (945) and Advanced Broking (930).

Alan delivers ACII training programmes for the CII across the UK, he helps run the Allianz scholarship and broker technical academy programme in both the UK and Ireland, the Zurich CII training programme as well as working with many other brokers and insurers. He is one of the few individuals that can take someone from Certificate and train them all the way through to ACII with pass rates regularly exceeding 96%.

Alan's website is

Buffet lunch and hot drinks will be provided - please let us know at time of booking if lunch is not required.

If you have any specific requirements in relation to attendance at this event, please let us know via the comments box when booking.

Feedback for our events is now done by on-line survey which will be sent on the day of the event. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey - your feedback is appreciated.

CII Accredited

This demonstrates the quality of an event and that it meets CII member CPD scheme requirements.

1 hour's CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

It is recommended that you keep any evidence of the CPD activity you have completed and upload copies to the recording tool as the CII may ask to see this if your record is selected for review. Details of the scheme can be viewed online at