Forthcoming events

This month

CPD Webinar: SURE: A new technique to ensure clients have understood your advice

  • Wed 10 Jul 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

We naturally ask the client if there is anything they didn´t understand and often, the client replies “No”. Or we ask if everything was clear and the client answers “Yes”. But can we rely on these answers as being an accurate reflection of whether the client truly has listened to and understood that advice? The answer is NO!! Recent FCA guidance papers on vulnerable customers and the new consumer duty have emphasised the obligation to take steps to ensure the customer has understood our advice and recommendations and anyway, it is just good practice! That is why, in this session, Jeff Heasman will outline his SURE technique for insurance and financial services professionals, based on concept checking, a method traditionally used in language teaching. Concept checking is designed to determine, with as much certainty as possible, that the client has understood the advice. Easy to apply to day-to-day interactions with clients, the SURE technique will help avoid misunderstandings now and in the future.

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An overview of commercial package insurance

  • Fri 12 Jul 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

This webinar will provide a practical look into the various sections of a typical commercial package insurance policy, what is covered and what protection a commercial customer actually obtains, so that brokers, underwriters and claims staff alike can be confident when explaining the different sections of cover. The reality is, that many commercial customers do not always appreciate the breadth of their cover, and as such the discussion tends to too often focus on price rather than cover and quality. This webinar will look to put the onus back on the essentials of cover and quality so that customers can make informed decisions. The presentation will be provided by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular speakers within the UK, and Alan in his usual plain English style will outline the main areas of cover, the history of package insurance and how sums insured should be correctly set. The webinar will be suitable for anyone working with commercial package insurance be they brokers, underwriters or claims staff.

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A plain English overview of contractors insurance

  • Tue 23 Jul 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler Training

From small builder to plumbers through to large building firms there are an increasing number of contractors needing insurance, often due to the fact that building firms now take on contractors rather than employees. These contractors need professional guidance on their insurance needs, and this presentation will outline the main factors to be taken into account. As an example, would a small building firm really understand the difference between labour-only and bona-fide sub-contractors, if they do not have a broker they are in big trouble, as the Insurance Act 2015 says they must make a fair presentation of risk, without help how do they do this?

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All forthcoming events

In Person CPD Event: Building rapport in a hybrid world

  • Wed 28 Aug 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
  • AMP
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas & Associates

Building Rapport is critical in business. It’s your tool for nurturing strong relationships whilst sharpening your capacity to influence others. Whether we are working with prospects, existing clients, the insurance market, co-workers, or other stakeholders it is essential that we can quickly establish [and reestablish] rapport. Rapport also plays a role in building a wider relationship of trust.

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CPD Webinar: Advanced Marine Cargo Insurance

  • Wed 18 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Hornby, Chartered Insurance Practitioner

If you participated in our previous Introduction and Intermediate sessions earlier in the year by now your confidence and knowledge of marine cargo insurance should mean there are no sleepless nights but every now and then there is the nightmare … We conclude this series by examining and exploring areas of marine cargo insurance that are often overlooked as they might not be relevant to our day to day role. However, it’s always useful to expand knowledge and ‘see the bigger picture’. This session will look at Letters of Credit, the claims process and international legislation as well as other issues that can arise from time to time when dealing with cargo insurance.

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