Institute Blog

RED Jan 2020!!

Tue 1 Oct. 2019

Whether you run, swim, cycle or choose your favourite fitness activity, set your goal and enjoy support from the RED community every step, splash and pedal of the way!

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A Day in the Life of... Paul Sturges

Wed 25 Sep. 2019

First published in August 2018, here is our Council Secretary, Paul Sturges', Day in the Life piece...

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A Day in the Life of... Laura Blyth

Tue 13 Aug. 2019

Many of you will have seen the "Day In the Life of...." series that Past President Richard Brame ran through his President's Messages. I thought it might be nice to save these all on the website for posterity! And who better to start with than our current Deputy President, Laura Blyth.

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REDJan Diary - Part 1

Tue 30 Apr. 2019

This year, Richard Brame and I challenged ourselves to raise money for Suffolk Mind by taking part in the national R(un) E(very) D(ay) January scheme.... I took it one step further and kept a diary of how I got on. Here is part 1 for your perusal, watch out for part 2 coming soon!

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