Fri 29 Apr. 2016

Ipswich supports local charities

The Insurance Institute of Ipswich, Suffolk and North Essex held its Annual Dinner at the end of April in the heart of the North Essex countryside. A crowd of 228 attended the black tie dinner at Stoke by Nayland Golf Club and Hotel followed by a Jazz band and relaxed networking with colleagues old and new.

President, Peter Taylor, chose two charities to support in his year of office - the CRY screening programme and the Thames Sailing Barge Trust. The former being particularly close to Peter's heart as his own children have benefitted from the programme and the reassurance it provides. CRY stands for Cardiac Risk in the Young, a worthwhile charity that has been working to reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). CRY supports young people diagnosed with potentially life-threatening cardiac conditions and offers bereavement support to families affected by YSCD. Many people are unaware of the NHS screening service offered by CRY to young people under 35 that may be at risk of heart defects, for further information visit

A raffle held at the Dinner, along with a small contribution from the Ipswich Institute 5k fun run was added to the total, making a final amount raised of £1,324.

Congratulations to Wayne Damant from AXA Insurance who completed the 5K fun run in just 19.57 minutes and Hannah Doran also from Axa Insurance, the first female to complete the course in 24.48 minutes.