
CII exam voucher campaign

Wed 11 Aug. 2021

The CII have recently launched a campaign to ensure examination candidates are enrolling onto examinations they have previously booked.

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SLIDES AVAILABLE: The Basics of Cargo Insurance

Wed 26 May 2021

Attached are the slides, and completed Q&A from our Regional Event - The Basics of Cargo Insurance

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President's Message - May 2021

Sat 22 May 2021

Dear Members, I am extremely honoured to be leading the Chartered Insurance Institute of Ipswich, Suffolk, and North Essex for a second year.

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President's Message - April 2021

Tue 27 Apr. 2021

Dear Members, this was not the year that any of us were expecting and it presented itself with many challenges along the way.

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President's Message - March 2021

Tue 23 Mar. 2021

Dear Members, as I begin to type this message, I can’t quite believe it has been nearly a year since I took over as President of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Ipswich, Suffolk & North Essex. At that time, I had no idea that I would be doing that from home and that all our events would turn virtual.

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President's Message - Christmas 2020

Wed 23 Dec. 2020

Merry Christmas from your President!

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