
October's Presidents Message

Mon 29 Oct. 2018

Hello all – here we are approaching Halloween, the end of October, with winter on the way, and half way through my Presidential year. So how is the year progressing?

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September President's Message

Mon 1 Oct. 2018

Hello all – I hope that everyone reading this is well and has had a successful month. As we approach the end of September, like many others I guess, I can’t help wondering how time seems to pass by so quickly. We are officially in autumn, the nights are pulling in and I have even seen Christmas cards in shops!! Personally, I enjoy all the seasons and for me this a time of year when I can take on things like garden projects without it being too hot. However, as we head towards year end, things start to get even busier at work and at home….sometimes it’s hard to see the wood for the trees….

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August President's Message

Wed 29 Aug. 2018

Hello all - I hope that you are continuing to enjoy the summer and have found some time to get together with family and friends. As we approach the end of August it feels like one of those times when you look back at what has been and also at what is ahead. Whilst we have all hopefully managed some time away from work, holidays, BBQ’s and family time, etc, the summer holiday season is nearing its end and the nights are already drawing in…..

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July President's Message

Thu 26 Jul. 2018

Dear Members. Hello all - I hope that you are enjoying our fabulous summer. I really should not complain but it is too hot for me, and my garden (in which I spend much of my spare time) is in desperate need of rain. However, with the sun out and sky blue it really does feed a sense of optimism and positivism. It is hard to believe that I am already 3 months into my Presidential year. July has flown but it feels like we have achieved a great deal. So, from a CII perspective what did July look like?

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Mental Health Wellbeing

Fri 20 Jul. 2018

A Mental Health Wellbeing Breakfast Briefing was held on 17th July 2018 at Quay Place in Ipswich, initiating a partnership between our local CII and Suffolk Mind through the coming months

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Legal Update Slides

Mon 16 Jul. 2018

Slides from the Legal Update seminar are available to download now.

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