
Insurance Charities Awareness Week 25 - 29 June

Fri 26 Jan. 2018

We are inviting you once again to participate by requesting a complimentary display box or bag for your office.

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January President's Message

Fri 26 Jan. 2018

Dear Members… I don’t know about you but as 2018 kicked off, I nearly got beaten by the New Year blues. January swooped in, putting an end to the festivities, dousing out the lights and vacuuming up all the glitter, regimenting the calendar, taking away precious time with family and friends and replacing it with what then felt like mundane duties of just ‘keeping things going’. And then, as reality hit, I started worrying about all of the things I wanted to achieve during my presidential year, and whether I would be able to finalise the plans I’d started, and make sure they were successful. But luckily, that didn’t last long. Thanks to fantastic support and hard work from my fellow council members, it soon became clear that we are still very much on track, and I am extremely excited for the next few months and beyond. I picked myself up, shook myself off and made myself get on. I have loads to look forward to throughout the year and after all, the festive period – with all its blissful, exhilarating escapism - will happen all over again in about 48 weeks’ time!

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December President's Message

Fri 22 Dec. 2017

Dear Members… This is my final message for this calendar year and I will keep it brief, as I am sure we all have the forthcoming festivities on our minds, and are looking forward to spending precious time with our friends and family.

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November President's Message

Tue 14 Nov. 2017

Dear Member - I can definitely feel the festive season in the air now; I love this time of year, with its frosty mornings, the need for scarves and mittens, the first twinkling of fairy lights in the dark evenings, shop windows aglow with red and gold, and a general sense of pleasant anticipation....

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October President's Message

Mon 16 Oct. 2017

Dear Member - Well, I had a great summer - and I hope you did too. I may be looking back on it with slightly rose-tinted glasses, but to me it seemed like endless days of sunshine; a true summer of the 80s! Anyway, having just returned from holiday I feel refreshed, and keen to continue along the path I started out on in April, working on my two themes for the year - supporting women and young people in our industry - and making sure plans are on track......

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August President's Message

Wed 23 Aug. 2017

Dear Member - As I sit down to write this, I realise that it’s my fifth monthly message to members since taking on the role of president; I can hardly believe it - that must mean my term is nearly halfway through! Anyway, I expect lots of you have either recently returned from a summer holiday, or are about to embark on one, so I’ll try and keep it brief...

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