Suffolk Mind Lunch and Learn

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm (UK time)

Date: 24/03/2021
Time: 12:30 - 13:30
Microsoft Teams (Link will be sent to you once you have registered)

With lockdown easing, the prospect of returning to the office appears on the horizon…what does this mean for our mental health? How can we get ourselves ready for physical meetings, the commute to work, sitting near people we don’t live with? During this session, Jon Neal, from Suffolk Mind, will look at the impact of lockdown on how we ensure that our emotional needs are met, and what we might expect to be feeling as we start to emerge from our homes and venture out into the world again.

Jon will talk through some of the ways the Covid19 pandemic has impacted on our mental health – along with some tips for helping ourselves and each other during these different times.

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