125th Anniversary Reception
On the 12th March 1888 a group of Yorkshire insurance managers joined together to form the first institute meeting under Mr J. A. Cunningham, General Manager of the Yorkshire Insurance Company, the first President. 125 years later the Insurance Institute of Leeds is still going strong and recently celebrated with a Civic Reception by The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Thomas Murray, on 14th January at Civic Hall. The evening included drinks and canapés in the Banquet Hall whilst key figures from the insurance industry reminisced about past institute events and projects. Current President, Stuart Robertshaw ACII, introduced a film of a brief history of the institute featuring footage of the city centre parade of over 500 people celebrating the 100th anniversary in 1988. The film was put together by 1988 President, Malcolm Beer ACII, who also attended the Civic Reception. The Lord Mayor of Leeds commented, “I was fascinated when I learnt the history of the institute and the fact that it was started in Leeds with its regulation and great support of the industry” following an inspiring speech which praised the longevity of the institute and encouraged those present to get involved in his LOFFTY, Leeds Offers Fun For The Young, appeal to provide additional fun activities for kids in the city during and after school.
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