Stress and depression in the workplace

Leeds Town Hall, The Albert Room
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (UK time)

Time: Registration and lunch: 12:30pm, Lecture: 1pm-2pm

Introduction and welcome from Ken Davidson, Chair of Board at The Insurance Charities, who are hosting this event along with speakers from Mind and Dementia UK.

Lisa Jakimciw, Mind
Maggie Parry-Hughes, Dementia UK
Annali-Joy Thornicroft, The Insurance Charities

Cost: Free of charge

This talk will look at stress and depression in the workplace, how to recognise this and how to manage it. This lecture should be of interest to both General Insurance and PFS members as well as office managers and HR professionals as in the modern workplace stress and depression are areas that are affecting more and more people.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lecture, delegates will be able to identify:
- how to recognise stress/depression in the workplace
- managing stress/depression in the workplace
- recognising the early signs of dementia in the workplace
- supporting employees and colleagues with dementia
- where The Insurance Charities fit in with examples of case studies on how they can help and support our colleagues

Speaker Biographies
The speaker from charity Mind, will be Lisa Jakimciw, Business Development Manager. Lisa leads the training provision within Leeds Mind, working with local and national employers to help them create mentally healthy workplaces via consultancy and implementing specialist packages of support. With over 10 years’ experience of business development roles further to Mind in both charity and corporate sector environments. This has included working with the TUC, Diabetes UK, and the Children’s Food Trust.

The speaker from Dementia UK will be Maggie Parry-Hughes RGN RMN MSc in Dementia Studies. Maggie is an Admiral Nurse Professional and Practice Facilitator (NW England) for Dementia UK, she previously worked for the NHS and has over 30 years experience as a nurse (18 years working in dementia care).

The speaker from the Insurance Charities will be the CEO and Company Secretary, Annali-Joy Thornicroft.

  • Leeds Town Hall, The Albert Room
  • The Headrow
  • Leeds
  • LS1 3AD
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CII Accredited

This demonstrates the quality of an event and that it meets CII member CPD scheme requirements.

1 hour's CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

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