I am truly honoured to take on the role of President for the second time. Your local institute has so much to offer you and we welcome your engagement in the life of the Local Institute. We want you to benefit and receive the most from your membership and we are committed to ensuring that the opportunities are available to you. All you need to do is make the most of them!
I would like to thank Stephen White for his stewardship of the role in the past year ably assisted by Sue Hull all backed up by an excellent committee.
We will be continuing to maintain our strong and successful CPD programme over the forthcoming year and we will continue to provide a diverse CPD Programme, which will cover both technical and soft skills and will provide you with further opportunities to develop and enhance your skills.
My objective of the year will be to increase our engagement with the Education sector with involvement in career days at universities and schools. I like many of my colleagues “fell” into insurance and I believe that if students were more informed of the number of different opportunities in the Insurance Industry, then it might be a career that they choose when the time comes to make such decisions.
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