Fri 11 Mar. 2016

City Council Team Re-tune to Winning Ways

The Insurance Institute of Leicester’s Annual Music Quiz took place on Thursday 10 March at the University of Leicester. 16 Teams took part in a wide-ranging quiz spanning the decades and covering many music styles.

After 12 gruelling rounds and some exceptional performances from time to time, the result saw past winners return to form to claim the title and several others battle it out for the Runner-up slot.

“SIPP a Dee Doo Dah” (Curtis Banks) finished in third place. The Runners-up prizes went to “Quizteam Aguilera” (Chesham Insurance). But the winners, with an impressive total of 118 points, were former winners “Badger Islanders” (Leicester City Council).

A Raffle on the night raised £80 for Insurance Charities.

The final scorecard is available below, whilst the the photo shows Mal Fairhurst presenting Badger Islanders captain, Kirsty Cox, with the Winners Trophy.