Thu 2 Jun. 2016

Insurance Charities Awareness Week Begins June 20th

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has been involved in getting their local companies signed up, with over 200 offices in the UK and Ireland taking part.

President Pete Willcocks will be delivering these boxes to participating companies over the coming weeks, and there is still time to sign up for one now! Just send him an email at and he will be happy to give you more details.

The insurance charities will be using the hashtag #ICAW to share any news regarding the event on their twitter account @InsCharities.

There will be a few events running during the awareness week. In London on the 21st and in Birmingham on the 22nd June there will be an event titled ‘Managing mental health and developmental disability in the workplace’ aimed at anyone who manages staff in the insurance sector.

Sign up is free and there are still places left at both events so if you, or anyone in your network, would like to attend please get in touch with Emma Bangar at The Insurance Charities

At these events we will have specialists from the sector discussing employing staff with mental health issues and disabilities, practical pointers for employers, the challenges faced and how these can be overcome.

Speakers from Autism Alliance and Depression Alliance (Mind) will be talking along with a first-hand case study on what it is like to work with depression.

The London event is being held at the spectacular Minster Court, with fantastic views of the City. There will be a buffet breakfast before the event. It runs from 8am – 10.30am.

The Birmingham event is being hosted at the Hotel Du Vin as part of the Birmingham CII’s lunchtime lecture series and lunch will be provided. It runs from 12.30pm to 2pm.

On Thursday 23rd the London Phoenix Orchestra will be playing music from classic film scores at Cadogan Hall in London, and raising money for The Insurance Charities in the process. If you fancy a trip down to the Capital it is sure to be a fantastic night!

Posted by Alasdair Walker APFS CertPFS (DM), Communications Officer