Wed 15 Jun. 2016

Nominations Invited for Young Achiever of the Year 2016

This prestigious award, first won by Paul Cliffe from Mattioli Woods in 2013, is once again being sponsored by Aspects Insurance Recruitment and carries with it a prize of £250 and an attractive trophy.

There is also a runner-up prize of £50. The Winner and Runner-up together with other short-listed candidates, will be invited to attend the Institute's Awards Evening at the University of Leicester on Thursday 29 September. The Winner will also be a Guest of Honour at our Annual Dinner on Friday 11 November.

Entry Criteria

  • Applicants must have been employed by their current employer for at least 12 months.
  • For applicants to be considered for the Young Achiever Award, they will need to have demonstrated evidence of professional performance and achievements that have exceeded the remit of their role and/or the expectations of their employer. For further information, please see the guidance notes.
  • Nominees must be aged 35 or under on 29th September 2016
  • Employers of the applicants must be based within the Leicestershire& Rutland local Institute area, and the employer of the candidate must support the nomination
  • Nominees do not need to be existing CII members.

Selection/Assessment Process

  • Applications must be submitted on the official Nomination Form as issued by the Insurance Institute of Leicester.
  • Supplementary information provided as part of any application will not be considered by the judging panel, apart from a current role profile.
  • All applications will be judged by a panel nominated by the Insurance Institute of Leicester.
  • The decision of the panel is final.

Additional Notes & Timescales

  • Nomination Forms should be sent by email and attachment to Alasdair Walker at or by post to Alasdair Walker, Hunter Aitkenhead & Walker, Brook Park, Gaddesby Lane, Rearsby, Leicestershire LE7 4ZB
  • Candidates that are shortlisted for the award will be invited to attend the Insurance Institute of Leicester Awards Evening at the University of Leicester on Thursday 29th September 2016.
  • The Winner will receive a trophy and a cheque for £250 and will be a Guest of Honour at the Institute’s Annual Dinner on Friday 11 November. The Runner-up will receive a cheque for £50 and will also be invited to attend the Annual Dinner as a guest of the Institute.
  • Invitations to finalists will be issued by 2nd September 2016.

Please see the links below for a nomination form and guidance for completing the nomination.

The closing date for entries is 19 August.

Guidance and nomination form for Young Achiever of the Year 2016

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