
BHIB Triumph in Music Quiz Challenge

Wed 25 Mar. 2020

The Institute’s Annual Music Quiz took place at the University of Leicester on Thursday 12 March. The event was kindly sponsored by Building & Land Guarantees Ltd.

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COVID-19 Statement

Tue 24 Mar. 2020

COVID-19 Statement

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Control your contact preferences!

Wed 11 Dec. 2019

Everyone likes a choice so that's why the CII has launched the Member Preference Centre, where you can control the communications you receive from us.

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Brokerbility Brains Clinch Quiz!

Tue 26 Nov. 2019

Brokerbility win the Annual Institute General Knowledge Quiz!

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Examination Prize-winners

Fri 11 Oct. 2019

Our President, Julie Rayson-Flynn Cert CII, has announced this year’s examination prize-winners.

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