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(GI) Negotiation for Insurance Professionals

  • Thu 23 Feb 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Melissa Kidd, Motem Ltd

Overview Whether negotiating rate, cover, premiums, fees or claims, negotiation forms such a huge part of the insurance professional’s day. Mistakes are easily made which can result in value being left on the table or relationships being damaged. This practical session will help everyone to negotiate with intelligence, flexibility and power – resulting in good outcomes and strong relationships. Who is running the session? Melissa Kidd, Director of Motem Ltd which specialises in helping insurance professionals to communicate more effectively. She's worked with the CII since 2012 as well as Zurich, Marsh, NIG, Lycetts, Broker Network, BIBA and Higos to name a few.

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(ALL) - Bank of England - Outlook for the UK Economy

  • Wed 15 Feb 12:00 pm – 1:45 pm
  • Marriott Hotel
    • Rosie Smith, Bank of England

When: 15th February 2023 Where: Marriott Hotel Grove Park, Smith Way, Leicester LE19 1SW Timetable: 12pm lunch and registration 12.45pm Rosie Smith 1.15pm Questions Speaker: Rosie Smith Rosie Smith has worked as an agent and deputy agent in the East Midlands and the North East. She joined the Bank of England in 1986 and has also worked in their banking supervision, financial stability, statistics and economics areas. She joined the BofE straight from school and studied part-time for a BSc in Financial Economics from Birkbeck and an MBA from the University of Nottingham and she lives in Leicestershire.

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(ALL) Leading Change

  • Thu 02 Feb 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Tom Flatau, Teamworking International Ltd

Watch out for the non-conscious barriers that are working against change. 85% of executives cite change as critical to business success in these disruptive times. Yet all too often it is seen as a threat. If change is so important, why are people afraid of it? What is stopping them adopting an innovative and growth mindset? Quite simply, it’s our subconscious biases that protect the status quo and our tendency to emphasise the negative at the expense of the positive – negativity bias. Change creates winners and losers and the fear of loss looms larger than gain. Yet we all have the ultimate tool for change at our disposal… our brain!

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Cert CII IF1 Virtual Lunchtime Study Sessions / Fast Track

  • Wed 25 Jan – Wed 05 Apr
  • Online
    • Alison Cooper FCII, ACT One Training Services Ltd

CII Leicester will be hosting a series of two hour lunchtime seminars (12pm – 2pm) for the Cert CII Module IF1, in conjunction with ACT One Training Services Ltd.

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(PFS) Turning Intention into Behaviour : Protection Conversations in 2023

  • Wed 18 Jan 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Marcus Primhak, Liverpool Victoria

All other things being equal, most people would rather have protection than not. The challenge for advisers and providers alike is how we turn those good intentions in realised behaviours. In this session we will explore the tools we can use, and the conversations we can have that will truly allow clients to make educated decisions about how they make building financial resilience through the use of protection products the norm rather than the exception.

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(GI) Directors and Officers insurance overview

  • Wed 18 Jan 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

The webinar will briefly explain the history of D&O and how the D&O marketplace is changing dramatically due to the economy. The sad fact is that many businesses will struggle badly over the next few years and lots of redundancies will have to be made. This will result in a sharp spike in both Directors and Officers and Employment Liability Practices claims. The market will harden and that is why it is essential brokers have conversations with their clients now. It should also be noted that many more directors are being sued individually and that the amount of HSE prosecutions have trebled against individual directors since 2015. This is no longer a cover that ANY director can ignore, and ironically if a director refuses D&O without consulting their fellow directors they have massively increased their own personal D&O exposure! This webinar, presented by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK, will explore the sources of potential claims and how to put the right cover in place.

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(GI) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Insurance

  • Tue 10 Jan 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Gary Nuttall, Distlytics Ltd

Session Outline Artificial Intelligence. Or ‘AI’ as it is more widely known is regularly in the press with articles about how “AI will change the world”, “AI to replace humans” and “AI cures disease”. The UK Government has AI at the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Chinese Government has stated that it will be the world leader in AI by 2030. But is it all hype ? Or reality ? In this webinar we will provide some basic definitions and explanations about what AI actually is and how it works as well as providing examples of AI in use in both our [personal and business lives, with a focus on the insurance sector.

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(GI) Professional Indemnity insurance – How claims can arise

  • Wed 07 Dec 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

This presentation provides an overview of professional indemnity insurance. It looks at the main case law underpinning the PI market, why the PI market is expanding in terms of number of policyholders needing the cover yet at the same time the capacity is decreasing. The webinar, presented by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK, explores the problems posed by a claims made wording and the difficulty clients have going into retirement without adequate run off cover. The presentation also looks at ensuring the correct limits of indemnity are set.

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(GI) BI covid claims – where are we now? - RESCHEDULED

  • Mon 28 Nov 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Online
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII

This webinar will provide an update post the Supreme Court Appeal judgment of 15 January 2021 and will focus on a number of various decisions made on complaints referred to the FOS, insurer statistics on claims payments, courts cases including: Corbin & King v AXA (which they have decided not to appeal), Stonegate pub chain action, Greggs and several others. The FCA originally considered some 370,000 insureds have bought this cover from around 60 different insurers and the FOS does not appear to be over-stretching the reach of the judgment (but there is an interesting 26 page decision over an Allianz insured with a covid on the premises claim having been allowed). At the same time it will remind brokers, all of whom will have arranged these policies for clients, to encourage them to robustly reassess their advice process under ICOBS and their overriding professional duty to clients thus ensuring they are not blamed for having sold policies that have not fully catered for the needs of clients (and it is clear that a number of brokers have faced negligence actions incl a current one against Pound Gates). Plus we will look at whether you need covid to be covered under your PI policy going forward and what could happen if you don’t.

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(ALL) Vulnerability - How do we help?

  • Wed 16 Nov 8:00 am – 11:30 am
  • Marriott Hotel
    • Malcolm Tyrell, Just
    • Katherine Beggs, Freeths Solicitors
    • Sue Wilmot Rowe, SOLLA

Recognising Vulnerability/How Powers of Attorney operate/Society of Later Life Advisers/Can Equity Release help with the cost of living increase? When: Wednesday 16th November 8.00am – 11.30 am Where: Marriott Hotel, Grove Park, Smith Way, Leicester LE19 1SW We are well aware that Cost of Living Crisis will result in more people becoming vulnerable, whether that is due to financial constraints, age, health or personal circumstances. CII Leicester has brought together a group of experts touching on current themes which will guide us as to how to identify vulnerabilities (on both a personal and professional level) and recommend actions to put in place safeguards. AGENDA 8.00 - 8.30am Registration and Refreshments. 8.30 - 9.15 am Recognising Vulnerability, Malcolm Tyrell – Equity Release Specialist, Just Synopsis: For some time, it has been vitally important to recognise vulnerability in people. That potentially includes everyone from every walk of life, including Clients, staff members, friends, colleagues and family. That would seem an impossible task and in reality, it probably is. But, trying to do your bit is nonetheless really important. During this session we will look at vulnerability with a view to making it more visible and easier to recognise and then, most importantly, doing something about it. 9.15 - 9.45 am How Powers of Attorney operate. Katherine Beggs – Freeths Solicitors We will look at the common mistakes made with Powers of Attorney and a practitioner’s perspective of the Office of the Public Guardian. 9.45 - 10.00 am Coffee Break 10.00 - 10.30 am The Accreditation Standards Society of Later Life Advisers – Sue Wilmot SOLLA We will look at the different Awarding Bodies Recognition of SOLLA Syllabus, briefly cover ‘Know How’ Assessment and Preparation Support. 10.30 -11.30 am Can Equity Release help with the cost of living crisis? Malcolm Tyrell – Equity Release Specialist, Just Synopsis: Heating our houses, fueling the car, going to the supermarket and switching on anything electrical is now significantly more expensive. If you’re on a fixed income for the rest of your life and illness may be a real cause of concern and become a real worry. For the right people equity release could be a solution to help ease these fears, but how many of these retirees, over the age of 55, know what equity release is and how it could work for them? This session will demonstrate how and where these products could make a difference and dispel some of the myths surrounding equity release. This event has been sponsored by Just.

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(GI) How to advise correctly on Business Interruption extensions and advanced loss of profit

  • Mon 07 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

One of the many things the Covid-19 pandemic has taught the insurance industry is the importance of going through the various Bi extensions with clients and documenting these discussions. Failure to do this could leave the broker wide open to a PI claim against them. This presentation, delivered by Alan Chandler one of the most popular speakers in the UK, looks specifically at BI extensions, the purpose of each one of them and how in each case an incident could give rise to a claim. Many in the industry have an incorrect view of extensions, for example many discuss utilities extension cover with clients when they really mean terminal ends, so give a wrong impression of the coverage their policy is actually providing. This webinar will be highly beneficial for Brokers and Insurers alike.

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CII Leicester - 106th Annual Dinner

  • Fri 04 Nov – Fri 04 Nov
  • Marriott Hotel
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(PFS) Online Revision R04 - Two Day Course - (Qtr4)

  • Fri 04 Nov – Mon 07 Nov

The Personal Finance Society East Midlands Committee in association with the Insurance Institutes of Leicester and Nottingham have organised a series of ‘distance learning’ training days via an online and interactive conference video facility (Zoom) for those members who are studying for and taking the R01, R02, R03 and R04 examinations.

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(GI) FCA Consumer Duty and GI update - including product value assessments

  • Wed 26 Oct 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Online
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII

The FCA want to see a higher level of consumer protection in retail financial markets, where firms compete vigorously in the interests of consumers and they wish to drive a healthy and successful financial services system in which firms can thrive and consumers can make informed choices about financial products and services. They consider that firms are not consistently and sufficiently prioritising good consumer outcomes and this causes consumer harm and erodes consumer trust. With final rules published on 27 July 2022 this talk will update you as to what now will be needed. This General Insurance focused session will also include an update on Product Value Assessments that have to be completed by 30 September (note the FCA have criticised insurers for their lack of progress with this) and have given brokers an extension of 90 days so as to prevent customer harm. Both brokers and insurers have an important role to play and this session will ensure you understand what it is you have to do. We will also cover the current position on multi-occupancy insurances following intervention by the government (very much part of the product governance and value assessments work).

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(PFS) Online Revision R03 - Two Day Course - (Qtr4)

  • Fri 21 Oct – Mon 24 Oct

The Personal Finance Society East Midlands Committee in association with the Insurance Institutes of Leicester and Nottingham have organised a series of ‘distance learning’ training days via an online and interactive conference video facility (Zoom) for those members who are studying for and taking the R01, R02, R03 and R04 examinations.

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Business Interruption: all you need to know

  • Fri 14 Oct 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

This webinar is covering the topic of Business Interruption Insurance - all you need to know, explained in plain English Presented by Alan Chandler, one of the UK's most popular insurance presenters. Alan will take this opportunity to run through how business interruption insurance should be correctly set up. Alan will lift the myths away from Bi and show how, in his easy to understand style, you can get this cover on a correct footing going forward. This presentation will be applicable for brokers, underwriters, claims staff and loss adjusters.

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Yoga For All

  • Sat 08 Oct. 1:30 pm
  • Hotpod Yoga Leicester

Why Working in a professional setting can be stressful and taxing on your body and mind. It can be hard to switch off from our duties and avoid burn out. But fear not, we’re bringing mindfulness and wellness to you. How Hotpod Yoga brings together the physical and mindfulness benefits of yoga alongside an element of heat, 37degrees to be exact. You’ll get to enjoy an hour long private hot vinyasa yoga session in their inflatable heated pod, followed by some light refreshments. Suitable for all skill levels, genders and abilities. Everything you need is provided, just bring yourself. When 13.30 Saturday 8th October @ Hotpod Yoga, ground floor, Anup, 31 St John St, Leicester, LE1 3WL BOOK £12 per person. To book your place please email Deb - Ana -

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(PFS) Online Revision R02 - Two Day Course - (Qtr4)

  • Fri 07 Oct – Mon 10 Oct

The Personal Finance Society East Midlands Committee in association with the Insurance Institutes of Leicester and Nottingham have organised a series of ‘distance learning’ training days via an online and interactive conference video facility (Zoom) for those members who are studying for and taking the R01, R02, R03 and R04 examinations.

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Financial Abuse: More Vulnerable Than Ever

  • Wed 28 Sep 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Online

Get an insight into the world of financial abuse and the terms most used to describe it. Understand why this form of abuse is on the rise and the horrific impacts it leaves behind.

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