Tue 12 Feb. 2019
The future of Commercial broking.

Was it something to worry about? Well no – John and Laura explained how “brokers are awesome” and the way to survive and thrive in the future of commercial broking is to become a trusted professional risk adviser. The messages were quite clearly stated – the psychology of sourcing the “cheapest quote” is not a recipe for a successful business.
As brokers it is absolutely essential to understand your client strategically and offer that genuine sense of caring. The key aim for brokers should be to have their clients say “my brokers advice is critical to my business”.
John and Laura also talked about the value of technology, going straight to the heart of the matter “tasks will go as a result of technology – not roles!”, it was important for the distinction to be addressed and Laura in particular flagged how brokers should be using technology as key tools – including that of LinkedIn to build relationships and generate useful and informative content to reach existing and prospective clients.
Those fortunate enough to attend were provided with the Report which went in to further detail on the topics discussed.
Please download a PDF copy of the booklet below. Konsileo have also provided links to 4 webinarsplease find these below: