Annual Dinner

Friday, 22 January 2016
7:00 pm – 11:00 pm (UK time)

2016 Annual Dinner

Liverpool Insurance Institute 2016 Annual Dinner

The Dinner will be held at The Britannia Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool City Centre, on FRIDAY, 22 JANUARY 2016 at 7.00 p.m. for 7.30 p.m.
Dress : Dinner jacket with miniatures.
Tickets : £55.00 to both members and guests, which includes a donation to the Insurance Charities of £2.00. Please deduct this if you do not wish to make any donation.

The Hotel's Wine List will be issued on receipt of your booking. This should be submitted directly to the Hotel with a note of how you intend to pay for the account.
Please note that although the venue has changed seating plans will remain on round tables of 10. Smaller parties or reservations not made in multiples of 10 may be asked to share tables with each other.
Special dietary requirements can be accommodated. Please ask all the members of your party before booking. Those requiring a vegetarian menu or have a special dietary requirement should notify us when booking.
In order that we may treat the members of your party with the usual courtesy, please ask them all for details of their academic qualifications and other awards/titles. These should be shown on the booking form.

Final applications for tickets must be made to the Dinner Secretary, Tracy O'Connell by email or in writing, not later than FRIDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2015. Invoices will be issued on receipt of reservation. After this date applications will be considered on a no promise basis. Your wishes with regard to seating will be respected as far as possible and should be indicated on the Application Form and NOT IN A SEPARATE LETTER.

One Reservation Notice will be issued covering a Whole Party. Special arrangements will be made for members who wish to attend the dinner on their own and not in a Company party. Cancellations must be made in writing to reach the Dinner Secretary at the Insurance Institute of Liverpool not later than noon on FRIDAY, 08 JANUARY 2016. Ticket money cannot be refunded thereafter.



Tel/Fax 0151 478 1028
