FL: Tax Year End Financial Planning Opportunities

Evelyn Partners Offices
Friday, 29 January 2016
11:45 am – 2:00 pm (UK time)

Financial Liverpool CPD Event

Speaker: Simon Harryman –Ingenious Investments

Coffee and registration from 11.45
The AGM will take place at 12.15
The CPD talk will start at 12.30 and will last 45 minutes
Buffet Lunch and networking opportunity after the presentation.

The target audience will be financial planners, paraplanners, accountants and legal professionals.

The learning objectives will be to:
-Provide an overview of the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Business Relief (BR) markets
-Explain how to fund retirement using rolling EIS investments
-Explain how to extract cash from a business efficiently
-Provide a comparison of Estate planning solutions
-Explain client suitability and how to quantify risk
The learning outcome will be to increase our understanding of EIS and BR qualifying investments and financial planning scenarios where their use might be appropriate.

Reserve your place at this event by registering here

About Ingenious
Ingenious works closely with professional advisers to provide a range of innovative investment opportunities in the media, clean energy and real estate sectors. They aim to provide advisers and their clients with straightforward, yet innovative and versatile, financial planning solutions.

About Simon Harryman
Simon is an Investment Director in the Client Relationship Team, responsible for developing relationships with Investors and their Advisers. Commencing his career in retail banking, Simon has amassed a wealth of experience during his 30 years in the financial services sector. As well as working with a number of the UK’s leading financial institutions in a variety of client facing and leadership roles, Simon has also successfully grown his own wealth management and product distribution businesses. Simon has a deep understanding of the advice process, the commercial realities of managing a regulated financial services business, and a passion for thought leadership. He therefore enjoys a great affinity with the professional advice community and utilises his skills and knowledge by developing excellent relationships with advisers, helping them to deliver great solutions for their clients. Simon holds the CISI Level 6 Private Client Investment Advice and Management qualification.

The agenda for the AGM is:-
-Chairman’s report
-Financial statement
-Secretary's report
-Membership and communication report
-Election of Chairman/ Officers
-Any Other Business

Full details about Financial Liverpool, the committee members and their roles can be found on the website www.financialliverpool.org.uk
If any member wishes to stand for one of the committee roles, they should advise the Secretary, Julie Calvert by email julie.calvert@pavis.co.uk by 25th January 2016, giving details of the position applied for and reasons for wanting to join the committee. In the case of a member wishing to join the committee, this will be put to a members vote at the AGM. All the current committee members have indicated that they are happy to continue in their roles for 2016. A full list of the 2016 meetings will be distributed at the AGM.

  • Evelyn Partners Offices
  • Liver Building, Pier Head
  • Liverpool
  • L3 1NY
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CII Accredited

This demonstrates the quality of an event and that it meets CII member CPD scheme requirements.

3/4 hours' CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

It is recommended that you keep any evidence of the CPD activity you have completed and upload copies to the recording tool as the CII may ask to see this if your record is selected for review. Details of the scheme can be viewed online at www.cii.co.uk/cpd.