IIL Games 19/20 - Final Round - Online Quiz
Thursday, 16 July 2020
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm (UK time)
After 3 exciting events in 2019, the IIL Games was left hanging in the balance as the final round bowling competition was cancelled due to COVID-19.
It has become clear that we will not be able to hold a social gathering any time soon but we still want to bring the IIL Games to a close.
There has to be a winner!
So we are planning to run an online quiz to be held on the 16th July at 6pm.
DATE – 16th July 2020.
LOCATION – The comfort of your own home!
TIME – 6pm start.
A link and instructions for joining the quiz and how it will be run will be sent out nearer the time to all registered teams.
All is still to play for as there will be plenty of points up for grabs!
To view our image and video capture consent statement, please click here.